I asked a Lompoc resident recently about why the community allowed this. He told me that when it was proposed (and the town was to vote on it), they were promised the energy produced would remain in the Lompoc Valley. That later changed to the County. Currently, the wind energy is to be used outside the County, elsewhere in the state. Perhaps Andy can confirm. If so, another example of Lompoc getting the shaft. Miguelito Canyon, where these monstrosities were erected, is a lovely picturesque area that includes a county park. Not to mention the raptors, other migratory birds, and bats that will be harmed.

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The notion that the energy applied to the grid by any one source (Strauss) can be somehow limited to a single load (Lompoc), or can be directed to bypass one load for use by another ("the county", or "elsewhere in the state") is false, and the contracts by which this energy is exclusively "sold" to one specific customer over another are very similar to another "green" scheme of buying, selling, trading known as carbon credits.

The truth is that the power from each and every source that is connected to the grid is available to each and every customer that is also connected to that grid, regardless of what may be written on a contract. Lompoc is connected to the most southerly point on the PG&E grid and before Strauss came online, and was subject to having power interruptions in the event of PSPS events further north. Now, with Strauss connected to the PG&E grid at Lompoc's switchyard, Lompoc is not only theoretically protected from PSPS events, but it can also be considered as being first in line to receiving the power generated by the wind farm (even though it is contracted to receive its power from other sources).

Regarding Strauss being allowed to operate without having in-hand the proper take permit (which they would have obtained eventually) , as far as I'm concerned, Strauss, SB County and the US Dept of Interior/USFWS have all colluded to bend/break the law.

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The energy goes to Marin County

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California is sadly becoming a surreal hellscape of high rise, ugly housing projects built on any available lot, surrounded by hillsides covered with wind farms and solar panels. It’s tragic to see the SB we came to 40 years ago becoming more like the cities to the south

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Andy is right.

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Yet if these same eagles, bats, or other birds, had one drop of Texas Tea on them, the lefty DEMOcRATS would be screaming at the tops of their lungs to shut oil production. By the way. These birds can be cleaned up, but two bird halves can't be put back together.

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Once again Man “knows” best. How best to line their pockets with cash. Who else is tired of the “Rules for thee, but not for me” attitudes of our ruling class. Yes, they are a ruling class because we are not in a country of laws.

The elites break laws left & right for themselves and their interests, but will throw you in jail if you follow their lead.

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I read the article by Andy at 5:00 am this morning and I quote "Airports, farming and farm worker housing, development, and fishing is treated as a threat to endangered species on a mostly hypothetical-threat basis. Threats are Real in SB as shown here>>>



I grew up on a farm, like my 11 family members who served their country in WWII, right out of

of University I was placed by the DOD on the largest and most classified Military Program,

The Ohio Class Submarine up in Bangor Washington. I would spend alot of time on the SSBN726

Ohio, SSBN727 Michigan and the SSBN728 Florida during testing and "Shake Down Eval"

Now we all are very near a Nuclear Holocaust with Russia. Make no mistake this is the biggest threat we have seen since WWII. The second biggest Threat is right here in Santa Barbara CA. That Threat are those that Control Santa Barbara and who have utterly failed to serve our community and serve our country. Sound familiar? You allow Russian Organized Crime (ROC) and their money laundering into the US and into Santa Barbara you are going to get an immediate federal response and action by the US Government.

Any doubt read Tom Parkers article on "Perceptions of Political Corruption Too Often the Harbingers of Stark Reality By Tom Parker Sat Feb 22, 2020.

On March 6, 2020 a Major Incident occurred here in SB that would seal the fate of the Good Ole Boys

and Good Ole Gals of SB.

As the old WWII saying goes........ "See Something Say Something.............".

If you google this saying it is all over the web but I best like the link from FLEC below>


"It takes a Community to Protect a Community"

Howard Walther member of a military family

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What happened on March 6, 2020?

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Something Like This Mr. Fuller>>>


Together, the four prevalent categories of corrupt behavior — fraud, bribery, and extortion, along with conspiracy — “form the operational meaning of corruption in practice,” the researchers concluded.[4]

Drilling down, the team identified eight discrete corrupt activities, covering all public corruption, through a closer analysis of about 2,400 cases from 2013 to 2015. Those eight activities are:[5]

Receipt of a bribe

Solicitation of a bribe


Contract fraud


Official misconduct

Obstruction of justice

Violation of regulatory laws

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My question was what happened on March 6, 2020. Could you be a little more specific? You say there was a "Major Incident occurred here in SB." I am interested to find out what that was.

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You stated "I am interested to find out what that was"

1. What would you do if you knew exactly what happened on March 6, 2020

or on many, many other dates?

2. Some people, with open minds, and who have lived here a long time know there are serious problems in SB, but when confronted tangentially by them

just walk away, sweep them under the carpet, which is a cowardly stance.

3. Tom Parker addressed this problem of SB Community in his "Open Letter" to

everyone on February 22, 2020 and I quote"

"Simply put, political corruption is the use of official power by government officials for illegitimate personal gain. Unfortunately, there is too often a laissez faire attitude among the honest leaders in the community where perceptions of a problem are ignored or merely swept under the rug. Those perceptions are often the by-products of cronyism, influence peddling, bribery, or extortion."

4. There are people here in SB who have a conscience and reported this Corruption: how many reported...................... over 15 people here in SB have reported as Whistle-Blowers the serious problems here and some have been badly retailated against.

5. You can look my name up, find me and I will sit down with you and tell you EXACTLY the serious problems here in SB and that are currently being addressed.

I know nothing about that one way of the other. But I know one thing

I was blind but now I see. John 9:24

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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Foolish environmental laws. One more reason to leave California...

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Jan 28·edited Jan 29

One more reason to stay and fight in order to get changes. The state has only gotten really bad in the past 20 years - after "term limits" were put in. Let's change that. Institutional wisdom also got thrown out, when we got to passively remove Willie Brown. Term limits has been a governance failure.

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Asking large sea creatures to avoid a web of cables, to anchor the ocean windmills, is certainly a potential problem.

They may be smart enough to avoid - them time will tell

What this state could really use for a “green zero carbon emission” energy source is nuclear. Case in point the extension of Diablo Canyon operation permit.

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