Relax. Today is not the time to panic.
Tomorrow, however, you may find yourself in a cold sweat while reading the headlines online or in print.
So, to dispel your angst, I’m offering you tomorrow’s headlines today. That way, you will not only stay ahead of the game – just as President Donald Trump did by moving ever so slightly to the right during his July 13th speech last week in Butler, Pennsylvania – but also be relieved of those troubling anxieties.
The script has already been written in celebration of the annunciation of Queen Kamala’s soon-to-be arrival at the White House.
Next week’s script, er, I mean headlines – which are ready to go, believe me – will be trumped up (if you’ll excuse the expression) to weaken your resolve, put fear in your soul, make you question your support for your team, and to demoralize you and all Trump supporters.
It’ll work, at least for a time.
Here they are:
Tomorrow’s Headlines Today
“The Harris/Some Other Liar Team Moves Up on Trump, Gains (put whatever percentage works best here) and takes in More Money than Any Political Candidate, Ever!”
“Grass Roots Democrats Piling In With Record Numbers of $20 Donations to Harris/Some Other Liar Ticket!”
“Harris Wipes Out Double-Digit Trump Lead and is Now Just Single Digits Behind the Ex-Prez and Moving Fast.”
“Harris’s Popularity Among People of Color Soars!”
“Women and Minorities Gravitating Towards Harris!”
“Trump Campaign in Disarray After New Polls Show Tightening Race!”
“Harris Campaign Ebullient Upon Reading New Polling Showing Her Pulling Away from Trump!”
“VP Choice of JD Vance Causing Massive Defection among Trump Supporters!”
“JD Vance Selection Has Blacks Returning to Democrat Fold in Huge Numbers!”
Etcetera, and blah, blah, blah….
Polls Lie and So Do Pols (politicians).
A group of Harris/Some Other Liar operatives are scrounging around right now among the network of faulty polling companies to find ones that show Trump with the largest winning margin. Which will, naturally, be touted as soon as more legitimate polls indicate a closer margin. In other words:
“The Harris/Some Other Liar Team Closes Gap!”
Here’s how it also works: Let’s say the Wyoming Tribune Eagle or Casper [Wyoming] Star Tribune has Trump up by 20 points in its recent polling. The Harris/Some Other Liar group will cite “a recent poll” (without mentioning which poll or from where) that has Trump up by 20, and then point to another poll (say, from the Martha’s Vineyard Gazette) that has the Harris/Some Other Liar team – miraculously – up by 30 points!
“Harris Moves Up on Sinking Trump!” headlines will scream.
“The Harris/Some Other Liar pairing energizes Democrat voters!”
“Harris and Some Other Liars’ lead accelerates!”
Quotes From My Father
Excuse me for citing directly from my dearly departed dad, who frequently advised me to “believe half of what you see and none of what you read.” With advice like that, I don’t understand how I ever got into the newspaper business, but I digress.
My father had other maxims equally as prescient, for example, when I would say “I wish I could spend the summer on the French Riviera,” while whining about how bored I was, he’d hold his two upraised hands out and say, “Well, you can wish in one hand and (defecate) in the other; two guesses which one comes first.”
He was full of good common-sense advice. And what we all must do, now that the purported advance of the adversary has begun, is steel ourselves.
Practicing “Sincerity”
Have you ever wondered why the Hollywood crowd is always so overwhelmingly in favor of whoever the Democrat candidate is? And are so opposed to whoever the Republican candidate is? For example, Orange Man Bad; Cackling Clown Good!
If you have, then here’s another maxim, credited to the late great comic George Burns, known, and understood by every person who has ever stepped in front of a camera to read words he or she may or may not agree with but was paid to recite: “The key to success [in Show Business] is sincerity. If you can fake that you’ve got it made.”
Democrats are scripts ahead of Republicans when it comes to faking sincerity. Which is why actors and actresses have such an affinity for Democrats.
Think about, for example, Adam Schiff, who so sincerely told an admiring coterie of Hollywood performers (and the rest of the nation) that he had “proof” of Donald Trump’s collusion with Russia. As the then chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, he would know, right?
Well, no.
Schiff lied and continues to do so.
And yet, he seems so sincere.
He fakes sincerity better than most actors.
Hence his popularity among the Hollywood pack.
Unless Steve Garvey gets off the dime, the “sincere” prevaricator Schiff will be California’s newly minted U.S. Senator.
But back to the presidential campaign.
Liars Out in Full Force
Republicans (and other common-sense individuals) would be wise to remember that the entire weight of the Washington establishment will be against the Trump/Vance team and for the Harris/Some Other Liar coupling. We/they shouldn’t be surprised if the polls tighten, and they will. The Harris/Some Other Liar ticket will have the backing of all government unions (The Democrat Party is the party of government); they’ll have the support of all teachers’ unions (though not of all teachers); social media’s logarithms will steer positive reviews of the Democrat pairing and negative ones on Republicans; mainstream media will continue to back and promote Harris and Some Other Liar, though with less intensity. Their influence is waning, and that’s a good thing. Academia too, will strongly support the Harris/Some Other Liar duo. Add the Hollywood establishment, the Entertainment Industry, the Deep State, the 17 various intelligence agencies, and you’ve got yourself a formidable convoy of conspirators.
So, friends, although I believe you’ll find yourselves on the winning side at the culmination of all this, you should be prepared to be suppressed and then depressed.
Be prepared too, to follow Bette Davis’s advice (from “All About Eve”) and “fasten your seatbelts,” as it really will be a bumpy ride.
In other words, there’s turbulence ahead. It won’t be fun and will be infuriatingly ugly and unfair at times, but I do believe it will end well and that Donald J. Trump will be inaugurated as our 47th President of the U.S. on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 20, 2025.
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The Biden's were "Romanov'd" by the American Bolsheviks. It was a palace coup unlike any other in our national history and is a clear indication how far our Country has fallen under this Marxist Administration, malevolent Deep State actors and a corrupt proletarian Media.
Jim, this has been an interesting day of responses to your column. After reading through all of them, I have to say to any Californian who thinks Kamala would be a good choice or better choice than Trump - take a look around you at what the far Left Democratic Party has done to this state. Do you want America to be in as bad a shape as California? The reason the Dems are highlighting her above Newsom is that he is already too unpopular - the rest of the country is appalled by what he's done to CA. The reason the DNC and their media allies are portraying Kamala as this rational, just a bit left of center sweet thing is because she'll happily carry out the destruction of America for them. People who don't like Trump are always talking about how he'll become a dictator. If that's what you think, ask yourself why he never became a dictator before. If what Trump wanted was to become a dictator, he would have bought his own little island and ruled over it. He's lost money running for office, he's gotten shot at, he's been vilified - there has been no gain from this for Trump. Meanwhile, Hillary, Obama, Kamala, Joe and all the people running this country for them have made billions. I don't give a damn whether Trump is a nice person or not. I care about him winning because he's proven over and over that he cares more about the people of America than any other candidate.