Feb 6Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Spot on, as usual. It is really mind-boggling that the Left's news sources are so successful at hiding the truth for so long. I hear/see astonishment when I or anyone else tries to tell our liberal friends about the border, the economy, DEI, health issues, false energy policies, etc. Sad, sad, sad.

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Why don’t you list specifics: did Trump solve border issue? NO. NO. NO.

Did he help the economy for the poor-middle class ? NO.

Did he do anything for health issues except to try to take away insurance from millions. NO.

False energy policies? Name them. Be specific. Try not to lie.

ALL THESE VAGUE REFERENCES YOU REPUBLICANS MAKE MAKE ME SICK. Yes, I am passionate about our Democracy. I want to keep it.

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For what it's worth, I thank Ms. Freeman for illustrating precisely how angry the other side is. And, funny enough, I doesn't take much to set them off!

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Feb 6Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Nancy Freeman, you went way overboard with your reaction. I do not love Trump. You clearly hate him. I do not lie, but MSM has proven it does. It would be futile to enter into a discussion with you.

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Who is MSM? And what did they “ lie” about. Saying is easy, but demonstrating means being specific. Only an utterly evil-delusional person would NOT hate Trump. He has broken every rule of ethics, decency, morality.

He has not paid his U.S. taxes,

he has lied and cheated ( fraudulent “ university” and deceit re value of his R.E. )

abused women ( fined $83.3 million in one of 16 cases ),

is accused of instigating an insurrection against U.S. including urging others to hang Mike Pence,

has made false claims about value of property to avoid paying Fed. Taxes……

he has claimed he wants to be Dictator, Ala Putin ( 26 yrs and counting. )

he lied about his having won the last election ( tons of evidence to that effect


So, what’s your problem with most of us hating this evil man.? WHY DONT YOU?

No moral American would ever ever vote again for this person .


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Nancy, “Whataboutism” is the last refuge of the incompetent and uninformed.

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Anyone who remembers speaking to François Mitterrand in 2020 is certainly capable of solving the border issue, providing for our national defense, feeding the poor and making the world a better place.


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Ewell said, Mr Lowdermilk!

Nancy doesn't even know what MSM stands for.

Nancy, are you a Gen Z or millennial?? I highly doubt you are a boomer.

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Mr.L: Show me Trumps solution to border issue before you hang your lies onto President Biden. Trump had 4 years to do something ….did he? Go ahead: try answering without making an evasive comment.

What do you think Biden should have done…ANY ideas?

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Mr. L: I am certain you don’t want to begin comparing the many many errors stupid uneducated Trump makes and has made….according to Mr.DiNero who loves counting:30,000 lies …..with President Biden’s ONE misnaming off Macron.

Shame on you! Petty petty inconsequential you. THIS is the deflection of which I’ve accused you because you have no truths to demonstrate your falsehoods.

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A thought-leader, like yourself, should know that there are many YouTube compilations available indicating that "one-off" remarks, by our Dear Leader, are the RULE rather than the exception.

In fact, there are so many one-off "clips" that they've been assembled by year, not by indivudual gaffes.


Granted, everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone has their fumbling finger on the nuclear launch codes, or a mind that appears to drift aimlessly, reliving some phantom revenge on "Corn Pop", who misplaces (rare) cogent thoughts and seeks out young girl's hair to sniff.


And let's not forget his "special moment" on the tarmac.


Nancy, if you tried persuading readers (and voters) why they should vote for a liberal, without using personal insults, belittling their life, religious beliefs or political choices, a dab of honey on the keyboard might work better than spewing angry vinegar.

Everyone appreciates your dispensational wisdom, and we all have the right to (eagerly and gratefully) hear your opinions.

As a friendly suggestion, you might consider removing some of these words and phrases from your lexicon speed-dial:

"...empy--headed Republicans...", "...lack of ethics...", "...a profundity of STUPIDITY...", "...lack of plain knowledge, ethics, morals..." or "... your having nothing of value to say on the topic of right and wrong...", "...you are not worthy of a dialogue..."

One quirk of political and religious pontificaters seems to be a knee-jerk response towards ALL opposing views, usually sumarized with "Let's compromise, and do it my way."

As an arbitrator of truth, you should know that repeatedly SHOUTING your points only makes them echo longer and usually alienates your listeners.

I'm puzzled about your comment regarding those who DON'T watch CNN:

"...hopeful opinions and idiotic women wearing f-me high heels and revealing their thighs…" because you STILL haven't answered my (posted) question concerning stiletto "assault" footwear.

The offer for lunch 🐡 still applies because I think it's important to understand why "we" only write the things that the voices in our head tells us to write.

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Bravo! I’m more angry than uneasy. People reading this need to be willing to tell anyone who is near them the truth. Our hope is in changed hearts. Liars are gonna lie and cheaters are gonna cheat. Every one of us decides whether to be loving, honest, and care for those around us. Seek out like minded people and work together. Share ideas. Pray that God will spare our nation from the judgement we evidently deserve.

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Feb 6Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I'll throw in here that the New Left no longer has faith even in its own: the ordinary citizen registered Democrat. They, too, are not to be trusted with determining election outcomes, and not much better than their deplorable neighbors. (And that includes me, too, until the 2016 election when on tendered my exit letter to the DNC on -- yes! -- November 11th.) "Democracy" is too important to be left to the citizenry. That's the New Democrat Party.

Recall that only one candidate was permitted in the primaries that year, Mrs. Clinton. A presidential election following a termed-out Obama when the field should have been, would have been, wide open. Remember what they did to Bernie Sanders?

It was even worse in 2020. Harris was rejected right out the gate. Biden was falling quickly behind her. Fast Fall. And about three days before the March Super Tuesday, the DNC shut it all down. Biden/Harris, the people's choice? Hardly.

Nobody in the Fouth Estate said a word. Erich Honecker would have been proud.

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Feb 7Liked by Santa Barbara Current

There is a void in every human heart that can ONLY be filled by GOD.

The left can’t handle this fact because they want to be God.

That’s where the anger comes from I believe.

Have a nice day!


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Feb 6Liked by Santa Barbara Current

It is quite amusing to read repetitive comments by people who spew vitriol at you while admonishing you not to encourage hate speech and then insist that you consult their sources of propaganda, not your own. Did you not get their message the first time around?

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Feb 6Liked by Santa Barbara Current

There is a hive mind, vested interest that requires winning US elections because so many free- flowing tax dollars are at stake.

Organized government employee unions speak with one voice, with the goal of getting even more of those free-flowing tax dollars at every level of our government services: schools, cities, counties, states, and federal. (See Transparent California website.)

Fundamental tax revolt at the constitutional level must be considered. Start by repealing the US Constitution's 16th Amendment. Re-evaluate California's Prop 98 that guarantees a permanent funding stream for state public education, but creates no standards or achievement goals in return for that automatic funding stream.

Do voters feel they retain the power of the purse? How did they lose it.

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Why are you talking “ Purse /Money “ when many many lives are fighting for survival, fighting racial discrimination, struggling for basic Rights…..THAT approach is why most Republicans are wrong and disliked. No interest in humanity, in helping the unfortunate. The FIRST requirement for a Democratic leader IS caring for his fellow Americans…all of them. The present Criminal( Trump ) who is running under YOUR values wants to be a Dictator of our U.S. Do you approve of that ? If he gets in, he will do everything within his unhealthy upbringing to reach a Putin-like leadership. If you like that, you too can go to Russia….26 years as Dictator and on-going.

This site is not interested in facts….THAT is clear. You are not speaking about what is truth….just the same old garbage with no reference to reality. Trump was ruining this country for 4 years….WHAT DID HE DO RE THE BORDER? Speak up! WHAT DID HE DO TO HELP IMMIGRANTS EXCEPT TO CALL THEM NASTY NAMES ? What did he do for the cost of medicines, for the poor? Oh wait….he made a bunch of rich Americans ( including me ) richer.

BIG DEAL…..WHAT HAS THAT DONE FOR AMERICA: DIVISENESS, HATRED. He is a sick sick man, and you are all licking his you-know-what. SHOCKING.

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Feb 6Liked by Santa Barbara Current

You nailed it Jim. Felt your anger and I'm 6,000 miles away!CJC🇫🇷

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Feb 7Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Haha, you are too funny. You love to make assumptions, allegations, and toss innuendos like they were firebombs. Everyone else reading your response is chuckling right now. So many of your statements are false, you must have been an avid protégé.

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I find a certain hope in this publication, knowing that nearby are people who are paying attention and seeing what is happening to this once-great country of ours. I have long had the rule never to speak about religion in my business, but now politics is just as volatile and not just in a business context. Any normal conversation with a friend can go completely sideways if my support for a conservative, patriotic viewpoint triggers woke hate and vitriol. Once upon a time a simple declaration that you believed the other person was wrong would have been fine, you'd shake your head and change the topic. But now it escalates until people I thought of as friends declare I am dead to them because of my support for a political agenda that neither of us have any control over. The overarching truth is that I see the force of Evil as ascendant, on a global scale, and we are each of us called upon to be brave and examine our moral code and behave accordingly.

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Thanks for the thoughtful article..given the article’s substance and the follow on remarks, this microcosm further confirms our civil war…we have everything but the bullets flying and killings from both sides of the conflict…fortunately, it is almost over…people are waking up (en masse) to the fact that our government is a criminal organization that has been captured by the global elites…

A wise man recently stated, “Nobody wants a rules-based order that doesn’t follow any rules, that constantly lies to people, that creates chaos and murders people around the world for profit, that supports genocide, that undermines and corrupts institutions, that is spying on everyone, that is pure evil.”

PS…You are being presented with the gift of vision.

Ability to see [clearly] what they've hid from you for so long [illumination].

One must only look to see.

Let light guide you.

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Nancy, I know E Jean Carroll. She used to be a smart, sassy, funny sex columnist. Outrageous, too, in her praise of rape. She gave me a rave blurb for one of my books. It embarrasses me to watch her now become exactly the sort of “nit-wit” she praised my book for laying waste to. She had a big mouth. Do you really think she would have kept a sexual encounter at the age of 53 with Donald Trump quiet because it was so demoralizing? Of course not! This is the most preposterous erotic story I have ever heard. Have you tried to have sex in a Bergdorf's dressing room? It's not that easy. And anyway, Trump could have had any number of gorgeous women at that time. He did not need to troll the dressing rooms of Bergdorf's nor did he have the time. It actually takes a lot of work to build an empire like Trump's. So on a rare day off, why would he go for a 53 year old writer? Okay, I can just sense Nancy getting furious because this is just more evidence of how awful Trump is, unlike Nancy's husband, who was turned on by her mind, rather than sex. But what if E Jean's encounter with Trump had been all about her mind? What if Trump forced her to go to a Bergdorf's dressing room and help him with a speech he was about to make? I suspect you just don't like Trump because he's an alpha male. But hey, we need alpha males. Who else is going to want to be a First Responder, a Navy Seal or president?

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My first thought after reading your article was: Are we in an American version of Mao's sociopolitical "Great Cultural Revolution". The main difference seems to be that the American version is insidious rather than an open declaration by a head of state. "Mao's intention was to revitalize the Chinese economy following the enormous disaster of his "Great Leap forward policy that caused a nation-wide famine and left as many as 45 million dead. The four of objectives of his cultural revolution were to eliminate representatives the bourgeoise and to destroy the "Four Olds" - old ideas, old customs, old culture and old habits." (history.com).

If we regard the middle-class as representative of the bourgeoisie, they are certainly disappearing in America. Old ideas of personal freedom and the maintenance social order are being dumped into the dustbins of DEI. Protection of the public from robbery, physical harm and even death is disappearing as a norm in American cities. Police officers are attacked without penalties to the perpetrators and police officers leave their jobs in the wake of defunding of their operations and deadly harm from both criminals and the actions of local governments. You could conclude that George Soros is the mini-Mao of cultural and civic upheaval in America. The old culture and customs of a prosperous, stable America are being trashed, in our state schools and in universities by Maoist professors and a growing number of like-minded students in support of a socialist revolution. The old custom and belief that the basic ethnic of "do no harm' guides all medical professionals is being assailed by the growth of a medical industry focused on the chemical and surgical alteration of children from one sexual gender to another, mostly without parental agreement. Even Planned Parenthood is engaged in this emerging medical/industrial complex by providing the chemical precursors prior to surgical conversions. Plus, social and legal support through the transition process.

The old habit and custom of believing that the people controlled the congress, and that congress controlled the agencies of government are fast disappearing. The Covid pandemic gave unexpected powers of a dictatorial nature to the president of the United States, to state governors, and, thereby, to federal and state bureaucrats. We see it in California with a one-party state government ruling without effective opposition and supported by a supine electorate.

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Looking forward to a mute button. Dialogue is fine. Many good questions are being raised for discussion. Verbal bullying and one-note harangues are fatiguing. Although the value of hearing what voices in opposition have to say remains enlightening. The first time; until they self-discredit themselves. That is when an optional mute button would be a welcome addition to this budding discussion site to keep the flow of genuine dialogue going.

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Did miss Freeman just say I am immoral because I don’t hate Trump?

Hate the sin.

Love the sinner!

Miss Freeman

I hope one day you come to know Jesus.

He is truly the only one who can change a heart.


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Important to reveal I was married to a Harvard Physicist whose intelligence….ditto our friends and his colleagues…..directed him towards being humanists, caring for truth aand reality: the bailiwick of Science.

Dealing with the opposite …lies and disinformation…in this sb current is a sign of a basic inability o Buckley and Loudermouth to think straight. Being led by one’s greed , for example, like the Criminal candidate, is not a good basis for clear thinking, for separating lies from reality.

So glad my views are being printed for all to see. Thank you….did I tell you I was married to a really bright Scientist…??? 😜😜😜 for about 30 years? ? And…..

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Feb 10Liked by Santa Barbara Current

MARRIED to a really bright scientist?

Who would thunk that intelligence could be gained through osmosis?

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Unbelievable! This article is full of hyperbole, lies, and fear mongering! Yes, the country is more divided than ever, but that is because a full-on unhinged narcissist took hold of our country in 2016. Trump allowed all the closeted bigots to come out and rage. With the help of corrupt Mitch McConnell, Trump appointed conservative judges to the SCOTUS and thus tore down 50 years of women's rights and body autonomy. YES, that makes us FURIOUS. NO, we will NOT go back to the days of back alley abortions! More than 70% of the country wants safe and legal access to abortion, yet the Republican party stupidly hangs on with claws to this failed backwards dystopian plank in their party policies.

The unemployment numbers are NOT false! You cannot just say something is untrue because you don't like the facts. This is Trumpism 101, that's what he does, like a third grader on the playground. And as for snarkiness, blame that on the prevalence of social media and the fragmenting of our society. Nobody calls anymore or writes letters, they text. People don't gather the way they used to as much post pandemic, and people are losing their minds. Plus, people can hide behind a screen and spew whatever vitriol and hate they want to without fear of being punched in the face or publicly embarrassed. This has nothing to do with the right or the left, this is "progress", pal.

And I'm SO SICK of all the Hunter Biden crap! Hunter Biden is NOT in our government and he isn't running anything, unlike how Trump posted his family members (like the mob) in all sorts of positions of power. Get over it! If Hunter is guilty of anything he will be in prison, just like Trump will. It takes time. And just where are you getting your numbers that "federal employees are 98% Democrat" that's a flat out LIE.

And the border! BOOOO-HOOOOOH! The border! You right wingers LOOOVE to talk about how Democrats don't want to do anything at the border, yet Republicans literally demanded a bi-partisan border bill with SPECIFIC POLICY, got it, approved it and then scrapped it and walked away because your Orange Leader urged against a bi-partisan effort that would make Dems look good. SHAMEFUL! Pitiful, spiteful and lame. Quit spinning your lies.

I am angry at right wing fascism rising up. The same GOP people saying they support Israel are the same Proud Boys that were carrying tiki torches yelling "Jews Will Not Replace Us!".

The Democrats might not have real superstars in Biden and Harris, but at least they aren't full on fascists that have stated they'll be a "dictator on day one". And there ARE some real superstar Dems in the lower ranks that I hope will rise up soon. A vote for Trump is a vote against democracy!

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Feb 8Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Sheryl - I wish you'd tell us how you really feel ! :)

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Feb 6Liked by Santa Barbara Current

This woman is unhinged.

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Feb 6Liked by Santa Barbara Current


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Try doing more than that. Go ahead: TRY LISTING WHAT IS…..I CHALLENGE YOU TO SAY WHAT BIDEN HAS DONE TO MAKE ANYONE VOTE FOR THAT OTHER CREATURE…..so so unhealthy and O My God, HE WANTED TO HANG MIKE PENCE…..have you forgotten already, or are you too busy holding your nose and your blinders. REPUBLICANS CAN NOT SEE OR HEAR and that affects their ( hopefully existing ) brains.

Not one Democrat here has said one word of FACT .

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Feb 6Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Have you tried to buy a car lately, pay for child care, buy insurance, purchase a home, eat out or shop for a myriad of consumer goods? Prices since Biden took office has increased 38% for energy, cars 35%, airline fares 39%, groceries 20%, etc. People are feeling it which is why Biden's approval ratings are in the cesspool.

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Nancy, I took a screen shot of this post just in case it got accidentally deleted...

"Not one Democrat here has said one word of FACT ."

On this sentence we can BOTH agree

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