Thank you, Michele for a great article about a true patriot. We are looking forward to meeting General Flynn in person, and hearing his story in the movie, as well. The time is long past for people committed to God and country to stand up and challenge the shadowy cabal of wealthy powerful people pulling the strings on our elected leaders. Flynn evidently could not be jerked around . I’m going to buy my tickets at Flynnmovie.com

I hear it will be shown in Santa Barbara on April 19. I believe that many local patriots will be there.

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I really wish I had got your article before 630 this morning(the 20th). I would’ve loved to meet such a great and distinguished man. I know I’m not alone in my admiration for him amongst the American people. He had to take way too much crap and hopefully he can be of help again to our next president and help weed, the garden of government

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Hi Brian, the event mentioned in the article is for April 19 you still have time to plan and buy tickets

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Thanks for the heads up! My mistake. I guess the coffee hadn’t kicked in yet😴

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Thanks Michele , for sharing so much about Mike Flynn. It says a lot about his fight for freedom and justice that Trump hired a Democrat for such an important set of responsibilities, as well as saying a great deal about Obama-Comey for making him their number one target. To be "kind," I will say I was bothered about how the DOJ treated him .

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Michael Flynn is a first class grifter and embodies the worst excesses of many of Trump's terrible appointments when he was president. Prior to his appointment as National Security Advisor he was acting as a foreign agent for Turkey and was paid $500,000 to represent their interests. He never disclosed this to the authorities. He then wrote an op-ed for a major newspaper pretending to be an objective observer and defended Turkey's persecution of Fethullah Gulen, a cleric living in the US, who Erdogen was trying to extradite. He blamed Gulen and his followers for the military attempting to overthrow his corrupt regime. Erdogen threw tens of thousands of people in jail in Turkey after essentially imposing a dictatorial regime. In effect. Flynn sold out to the corrupt strongman in Turkey. Eventually, he was indicted and convicted in the US for breaking the law for this sordid arrangement.

He has also said that the US should be one nation under God, where we must have one religion under God. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of just about everything our country stands for. He even suggested in an interview after the 2020 election the govt should consider imposing martial law in the swing states Trump lost.

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Thank you, Lou, for some sanity on this topic, when others on this site refuse to look at the facts.

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Thank you for your insightful expose about the great American General and Patriot. And thank you for your service to our Country. It is shameful and, quite frankly, despicable what the Left has done to he and his family. We are literally at war with an enemy from within. It'll take courageous leaders like General Flynn and others to rid the cancer that is metastasizing across our great land. I and many others, locally, are willing to take up that fight and work to protecting the freedom and liberty we were blessed to be born with. We should all aspire to "fight like a Flynn".

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Thanks for the great article and for your Service to Country...General Flynn will go down as one of the Greatest Patriots in American History...our support and awe go to his fight & resolve as he endures the continued harassment - all due to his knowledge of where the bodies are buried...

I look forward to movie night with General Flynn & hope to ask what is meant by the phrase, "What a beautiful black sky." — As written by Andrew McCabe in his book "The Threat". McCabe wrote that during the infamous interview of General Flynn by FBI agents at the White House, "one thing [Flynn] said stands out in my memory" -- namely that "when I told him that people were curious" about his conversations with the then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, Flynn replied, "You know what I said, because you guys were probably listening."

According to McCabe, the interview was "very odd" because "it seemed like [Flynn] was telling the truth" to the two agents who interviewed him, including since-fired FBI agent Peter Strzok...Flynn, the interviewing agents told McCabe, "had a very good recollection of events, which he related chronologically and lucidly," did not appear to be "nervous or sweating," and did not look "side to side" -- all of which would have been "behavioral signs of deception." McCabe wrote that Flynn seemed "completely normal" -- even when, on three occasions, Flynn looked at the window and told agents, "What a beautiful black sky."

PS...bringing plenty of popcorn for the movie...it's showtime!

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God bless Mrs. Quaid and Mr. Flynn and their families ... for their protection from the mob.

And let's pray it's not too late.

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Beautifully said. I Look forward to the event. 🙏

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She is all about facts and not speculations.

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Earlie Burly: Well, you’re probably not used to conversing or even listening to intelligent people. It’s not too late…..maybe.

What would you call “ his “ mouth, apart from ugly, lying, vulgar, misinformed, revealing of an aged demented brain, uniformed of truths, a mouth which reveals that his gross body loves Hitler,……loves a man who had millions of Jews killed for no reason ( and I’m NOT a Jew ) , had Gypsies, gays killed for just being alive…..he’s a bit like you who hates immigrants although, Earlie, your ancestors had to have immigrated here….immigrants built America! You must be descendent from an immigrant….YES.?

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Michele, Mike Flynn is a solid American patriot to be sure, and I hope to see the Flynn movie on April 19. Maybe even meet some of you wonderful people at a local tavern after the movie?

Your reference - “ . . . . . preserve our constitutional republic from destruction by enemies, both foreign and domestic.”

Especially domestic, but _how_ are we to resolve the fact that most of the electorate is stupid? Need proof? Voting for Traitor Obama _twice_, and Crook Biden, both of whom have just about destroyed our beautiful America. The average voter doesn’t know anything about the people s/he’s voting for, they just check the [D] box because they kinda heard that “Democrats are for ordinary people and the evil Republicans are for millionaires.” The GOP needs a better PR agency !

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Livingston….I wrote again trying to preclude your very post. Havent you heard ( I HAVE ) trump repeatedly and mistakenly saying…..”when I ran against Obama”.? It was a slip of his aged slippery tongue, a testimony to his aged slightly rotten brain……but NEVERTHELESS…..words from the microphonic mouth with NO input from the brain. IIF you’re going to send me love letters, you should pay attention to mine.

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"microphonic mouth" - never heard that one before, Nance. :)

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Please don’t correct me re trump not having run against Obama. It was meant to parody trump’s repeated mis use of the fact trump never ran against Obama in spite of trump’s allegations ( errors ) that he did.

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Now, now, - let’s be fair. Trump and Obama are proper nouns and both should be capitalized.

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Livingston….Are you suggesting 43,000 votes were NOT enough to declare Biden a winner? What’s your point? And why are you making a fuss about the popular vote when every site I have read said the trump lost the popular vote all THREE times he tried for the presidency…..except of course the time he ran against Obama and won the presidency 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😇😇😇😇😇😇😇. I wish I could get a clear answer as to why anyone wants him as President. Do Republicans love criminals, liars, ARE Hitler -admirers, Putin-lovers….what is the reason for wanting that clown as your President? Any sensible answers out there? It is indeed a puzzlement.

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Doesn’t Anyone remember that the good Wonderful Catholic man named Mike Flynn supported The trump-er in his lies that HE, that colossal self serving demented man ( Trump ) had WON the 2020 election?

Do good Catholic men lie about something as important , as real and unquestionable ( f-trump made 60 forays and lost all trying to disprove an ELECTORAL FACT ! ) as an Electoral Fact? Is this what good men in Republican politics do in this century….make up stories about what is not true?

Why wasn’t that mentioned in this glowing report? Maybe Mike Flynn is basically a good man, but only BAD good men lie about who won the Electoral AND The Popular vote in 2020 in this Democracy.


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Nancy, Biden won by only 43,000 votes total in the last few electoral swing states that were left to be counted, very late at night.

The "popular vote" was astroturfed mainly from legal ballot-harvesting CA and union-dominated NY. Neither the CA nor NY astro-turf exercise changed their state's electoral vote count no matter how many ballots were turned in.

This astro-turfed "popular vote" was an odd exercise of political theater, since we never elect our Presidents by popular vote in the first place. The Founders were wise to buffer our government from mob rule.

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I know little about Mike Flynn, but this excerpt from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Flynn isn't exactly exemplary of an American patriot:

On July 4, 2020, Flynn pledged an oath to the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory,[37] and as Trump sought to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in which he was defeated, Flynn suggested the president should suspend the Constitution, silence the press, and hold a new election under military authority.[38] Flynn later met with Trump and their attorney Powell in the Oval Office to discuss the president's options. Trump denied reports that Flynn's martial law idea had been discussed.[39][40][41] Flynn has since become a prominent leader in the Christian nationalist movement, organizing and recruiting for what he characterizes as a spiritual and political war.[42

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