I am thrilled to see these columnist in action again for our community.

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This is very exciting news! Looking forward to being part of a community that shares common sense Santa Barbara values.

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Awesome news..can't wait for more commentary.

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I'm SO happy to see good folks resurrecting the best of the News-Press! This is the best SB news I've heard in quite a while! Thank you, thank you, thank you, and God bless you!

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Yes! I have so missed the NewsPress Voices section on Sunday mornings.

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Am delighted by the varied topics presented in SB Current and encouraged by the community discussions by citizens of all stripes, but highly disappointed in prohibiting comments for those that do not pay the toll…well-rounded discussions are being quelled…

Now is the time for all good men & women to come to the aid of Our Country…

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This was an oversight in publishing today's article. It has been corrected and all can comment.

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Thank You Sir…good article…

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You lost me at Christy Lozano.

Hmmm, you’re libertarian, really? Usually code for conservative republican.

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First of all, I didn't call myself a libertarian. My words: "we of a libertarian, conservative, and (Dare I say?), common-sense bent..." describe a wide political range. As far as my being (Shhh... someone may hear us!) a "conservative republican," I have two questions: 1) Maybe so, and the problem is?? There's not a Democrat alive that I would vote for (though to my perpetual shame I voted for Jimmy Carter his first time out; and 2) Why no caps?

Apparently, many folks like to hide behind anonymity (What's a "Bob C?" Are you a twin?) and those same folks then feel free to lambast those of us who've stepped up, named ourselves, and who are willing to defend our ideas and opinions. In any case, thanks for taking the time to comment.

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What are the "sins" of Christy Lozano?

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I believe her sin is that she isn't a flaming lib yet worked in the education/indoctrination complex!

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Yes, most likely! And most likely Bob C. is more of a doctrinaire leftist than a true libertarian.

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Welcome and thank you writers.

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Just a couple of weeks in, and SBC is becoming tableside conversation. Last night (Dec 8), my husband and I had just been seated at Mulligan's Restaurant at the Muni Golf Course. At a nearby table, 3 gentlemen were engaged in cordial political discouse over cocktails. While not eavesdropping exactly, I did hear pop up "Buckley," "Schulte," "Donovan," and then "Current" itself. It all sounded pleasant. I walked over and asked what they thought of SB Current. Thumbs up! They appreciated that they could disagree but on a respectful or respected level. They agreed that Current fills a void since we lost the News-Press. One among them will be writing for the online site, speaking to legal stuff.

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