We have always had liberal or conservative newspapers, and the reading public did indeed have "choice." But back then (and it wasn't so long ago), the opinion articles were clearly placed in the editorial section. News reporting presented objective analysis of the stories of the day. Now, every story is presented with a politically subjective slant. Thus, readers no longer have choice because the facts are masked in propagandized language.

About five years ago, I conducted an experiment, just with myself. I looked up stories from the Washington Post about Nixon's resignation. I figured if any newspaper would be forgiven for biassed reporting the summer of 1974, it would be WAPO, given Watergate. I found two stories: one announcing the resignation, the other detailing his last day in the White House. Both stories were front page.

Both were objective, honest reports. Indeed, the female reporter describing Nixon's farewell to the White House staff and then his departure by helicopter, her writing was sobering and at times, compassionate. It was an honest detailing of a significant moment in our history. The newspaper trusted its readers.

Sadly, those standards are gone today from America's legacy newspapers. The story today? It's all focussed on the reporter or commentator, news secondary to the purveyor. What news?

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Well, those "legacy" newspapers' (there are what, three left?) dominance on the web has probably saved whatever legacy they are hoping to leave behind. But, you are correct; it's maddening to read "news" reports filled with editorializing such as "But President Trump continues to express his big lie about the 2020 election..." It's not the president's opinion, or skepticism, or charge, no it's always "the big lie" or "the debunked lie" or whatever. No one has taught these scribes the difference between reportage and editorial. Still, people ought to be aware that whatever they are reading and from whatever source has been edited or self-edited by someone with a point of view. Always.

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Jan 18Liked by Jim Buckley, Santa Barbara Current

You confused communist sympathizers. Lincoln Steffens saw communism and thought it would work; Walter Duranty saw communism and lied about it by denying the Ukraine famine.

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I hate when that happens! Thank you for caring and making me feel stupid...

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I read this recent article by Jim Buckley and I quote "As founder and editor-publisher of the Montecito Journal (from 1995 to 2019), I was often taken to task by various readers who scolded me for not covering some event or bit of news that they believed was “fit to print.”

Where Mr. Buckley seems to interesting in former Intelligence Officers and I quote "MSNBC is filled with left-leaning former intelligence department heads (former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan)..."

Why is not Mr. Buckely finding interest, in former Executive Intelligence Officers at MSNBC when he

can find the "Real Deal" right here in good Ole Santa Barbara dealing with the Good Ole Boys and Gals. Nothing like a Real Story about Russian Organized Crime, (ROC) and Russian Oligarchs right at your very doorstep. Just depends on whether you have the guts to look and report when the good Ole Boys and Gals are all concealing same. I wounder if there is big money involved? I always say, and the feds, follow the Russian Money Laundering right here in good ole Santa Barbara.


Howard Walther, Santa Barbara - former member of military family

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now do US Government/Ukraine laundry machine…

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FYI, both left and right “news” is totally contrived and controlled as part of Operation Mockingbird…best to stop watching (unless reading the enemies moves), buy a computer and seek information in the alternative media sphere…FAKE NEWS SUPPRESSION creates a FALSE REALITY…

Actions of [FAKE NEWS]:

-Aggression (Projection)


-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)

Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]:

-Aggression (Projection)


-Censorship (Narrative-Dogma)

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DL Dawson made a comment that I will reply to "now do US Government/Ukraine laundry machine....

Large amount of cash from Russia and now from the US flow into and out of the former USSR satellite countries....of course all know of Ukraine and the over 74 Billion of US funds, the exact amount is

propably much higher. See this weblink https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts. The Russian and also the Ukraine "Laundromat" is notorious as seen in this weblink. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/mar/20/the-global-laundromat-how-did-it-work-and-who-benefited More problematic is the money from Russia and now Ukraine washing like a "Laundromat" into over 30 large countries and primarily the United States. For example over $200 million was laundered into the Santa Barbara County and local law enforcement including SBPD and the SB Sheriffs Dept and also the SB DA's were not just asleep at the wheel they in fact concealed the Russian Activities and Money Laundering into Santa Barbara. Let me repeat Russians were Money Laundering into Santa Barbara. FinCEN of the DOJ address Dark Money or Money Laundering in the Unite States .... see weblink here https://www.fincen.gov/history-anti-money-laundering-laws#:~:text=Money%20laundering%20is%20the%20process,into%20the%20legitimate%20financial%20system. Money Laundering of large amounts of criminal money out of Russia into the US is address co-jointly by the FBI Intelligence Branch and Criminal Branch because it is a major National Security Problem as show at this weblink .....https://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/combating-money-laundering-and-other-forms-of-illicit-finance

If Russians and Ukraines are Money Laundering large amount of funds into an area, like Santa Barbara, you are going to have a major response by the FBI and there is. Drive around town folks and open your eyes and see the US Government at work. All you have here by the local Good Ole Gals and Good Ole Boys is complete and total Cover Up of Money Laundering and just about ever financial crime in-between as seen here.......https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/california-county-organized-health-system-and-three-health-care-providers-agree-pay-68

Jim Buckely, The Independent, Noozhawk, where are you????????????

Howard Walther, member of a military family

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The best editorial page in the country is WSJ. They eviscerate the liberal claptrap found in MSM and also call out Trump for many of his policy gaffes with respect to COVID, trade and profligate spending proposals. They also scold him for his demagoguery regarding entitlement reform. They will criticize both parties if they propose stupid stuff. They are not partisan, rather they deal exclusively with ideas and policy.

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The problem is not with the commentators on FOX, MSNBC or CNN it's with the news casts that present themselves as unbiased in reporting the news. Research shows that approximately 80% of the news coverage on ABC, NBC and CBS leans to the left while FOX coverage is 50% leaning right and 50% left. Interesting enough ABC, NBC and CBS constantly complain about FOX being biased. Also of note is the unbiased coverage of the Wall Street Journal. I watch FOX news with Bret Baier and NBC news with Lester Holt. This allows one to see the what's actually happening in the world as well as the bias in reporting.

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I read this recent article by Jim Buckley and I quote "As founder and editor-publisher of the Montecito Journal (from 1995 to 2019), I was often taken to task by various readers who scolded me for not covering some event or bit of news that they believed was “fit to print.” Where Mr. Buckley seems to interested in former Intelligence Officers and I quote "MSNBC is filled with left-leaning former intelligence department heads (former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, former CIA Director John Brennan)..." Why is not Mr. Buckely finding interest, in former Executive Intelligence Officers at MSNBC when he can find the "Real Deal" right here in good Ole Santa Barbara dealing with the Good Ole Boys and Gals. Nothing like a Real Story about Russian Organized Crime, (ROC) and Russian Oligarchs right at your very doorstep. Just depends on whether you have the guts to look and report when the good Ole Boys and Gals are all concealing same. I wounder if there is big money involved? I always say, and the feds, follow the Russian Money Laundering right here in good ole Santa Barbara. https://www.occrp.org/en/laundromat/the-russian-laundromat-exposed/

Could the SBPD have concealed Russian Organized Crime. Why is former veteran FBI Intelligence officer and "Spy Catcher" Linda Esparza Dozer a Co-Chair of the SB Fire and Police Commission????

https://www.thechannels.org/features/2019/04/24/sbcc-hires-former-fbi-agent-for-new-job-as-title-ix-coordinator/ (I love Linda Dozer's cheshire cat smile.)

Any Russian Spy's running around Santa Barbara ...... how about Executive Intelligence Officers right here in good Ole little sleepy Santa Barbara.

Howard Walther, Santa Barbara - former member of military family

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