Dec 6, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I call them the bike Nazis. And all politicians are following them. It’s crazy. An aging population and we want you to drive a bike or walk. 🤷🏽‍♂️ They are stealing our roads, our safety and don’t have any accountability. I believe they all should be required to have a license on the bike so I can ID them and also insurance when they run me over.

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Dec 6, 2023·edited Dec 6, 2023

Such a great article Bonnie! The loss of freedom is the thread that continues to weave through many of these stories.

People may be afraid to stand up to those who allow the loss of our freedom, but I would suggest, they should be more afraid of continuing to live, more and more each day, without our freedom.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Have you heard of the ULEZ zone in London? We are on our way to a 15 minute city. As soon as I heard they were putting up dwellings with no parking I knew there was more than an effort quiet traffic, and reduce emissions. That’s why I think they want to stack and pack people out here and Goleta. We have this huge open area all around our city and I don’t understand why they can arbitrarily rezone a golf course, but not Dos Pueblos Ranch. and then there is the Chumash sanctuary. They have ready for our local Coastline. Not sure what that will bring about.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Bonnie did a great job describing the destruction of Santa Barbara's 100 year old and proven transportation grid.

When the city of Santa Barbara Proposed this planning in the fall of 2022, Cars Are Basic, Inc. filed and objection prior to voting on this fraud.

It is satisfying to see the anger, and frustration that a Council does not see realty and destruction to the community they are doing. At last the people are being heard.

Scott Wenz, President CAB

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I already commented about Sola Street. I was blocked from turning onto it heading west. I was told this was all planned for for the bicycle coalition and the city. I did not get to vote for it...

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I appreciate our city of Santa Barbara's ongoing efforts to promote Vision Zero and the measures which follow to help our citizens on foot or bicycle to get around safely for the highest good of all concerned.

Walking and riding a bicycle burn fat and save money... Driving costs money and makes drivers fat

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Yes, as the author stated it is positive for bicyclists, but what about everyone else? I'm a cyclist, but the majority of our town doesn't, can't, won't, and perhaps shouldn't. Rather than cement over more roads, I'd be happy if they'd just sweep and maintain the roads we have. Potholes and broken glass are dangers that none of these planners seem to consider. I guess there is less money in maintainance. In short, Cyclists need to share the road too, not just use Utopian dreams to limit the freedom of others.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

If the national speed limit for vehicles and bicycles was reduced to 15MPH there would be fewer freeway deaths and pollution would disappear forever. Less gas and electricity would be used an billions of insects would not die crashing into windshields.


Everything would be more better.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

From the Mayo Clinic: "......Physical activity, such as walking, is important for weight control because it helps you burn calories. If you add 30 minutes of brisk walking to your daily routine, you could burn about 150 more calories a day...."

Or you could pass up one small cookie.

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So, in your pea brain it is the job of government policy and spending to keep us healthy?

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Yes, I want our governments to promote public health, along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for the highest good of all concerned

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You people commenting here do understand that Randy Rowse the so called "ESTEEMED" mayor of Santa Barbara is a REPUBLICAN right? Or have you all had serious amnesia? So blaming Santa Barbara's problems solely on the Democrats is a serious NO NO. I was Executive Director of the Santa Barbara County Republican party from 2011 to 2012, and I can tell you without a shadow of doubt that I saw more corruption, apathy, stupidity, arrogance, ignorance, bitching, moaning and finger pointing more among the SO CALLED conservatives and Republicans than anywhere else. Randy Rowse ran on a campaign to clean up the homelessness and corruption in Santa Barbara, so he was voted in and Cathy Murillo (A Democrat) booted out. Santa Barbara is as bad if not worse and more fascist and tyrannical under Rowse than under Murillo.....go figure. And I have ordinances and laws that have been shoved through City Council recently with Randy Rowse's explicit YES vote to prove my point. So this my team versus your team narrative does not work anymore. All the "useful idiots" in BOTH parties that call themselves voters point the fingers at each other, meanwhile nothing gets done, things go from bad to gangrenous and the problems NEVER GET SOLVED. Welcome to the land of the UNIPARTY we call America. I'm open for suggestions on how to resolve this conundrum, for it is a COLOSSAL one.

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He's actually not a Republican any further, nor did he run as one.

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Per Ed Fuller, who's a good friend of mine and a Republican, more of a Libertarian actually, and many other so called LONG TIME Republicans in Santa Barbara, Randy Rowse was/and still is a Republican. I remember we (as in The Santa Barbara County Republican party, who's executive director I was under Greg Gandrud's chairmanship in 2011-2012) actually endorsed Randy Rowse for city council of Santa Barbara. Randy is more of a Trotskyite and so are 99.99% of the other so called Republicans and conservatives. Like I've pointed out earlier, the labels of Republicans and Democrats does not matter because both parties ESPOUSE the same policies which includes screwing the people over. During the 20+ years of the founding of this country, there were no parties, there was only the CONSTITUTION FOR THESE UNITED STATES as the supreme law of the land. You were either a STRICT Constitutionalist or a TRAITOR because you had to strictly follow the Constitution as an elected member of Congress or anything else for that matter in this country in the 18th century. That allegiance to the Constitution is unfortunately long gone and the Republicans and Democrats simply give glib lip service to the Constitution, meanwhile trampling upon it daily like toilet paper. So telling me that Randy Rowse is NOT a Republican is then misinformation. Either that, or the Republican party in Santa Barbara is NO longer Republican either which probably is the case. The fissures and cracks within the Republican party were already deep rooted when I was politically active as their executive director, now it's just a walking talking disaster at this point with no leadership and no moral compass of any kind. I know you ran on a great platform and I voted for you not because you're conservative or a Republican, but because of the issues you brought up and the stances you stood for, which further solidifies my point that party labels are not only misleading, but downright detrimental to our Republic. People should be voting on the stances and issues that the candidate stands for, and hopefully that the candidate is of sound moral character and integrity. Following the Constitution strictly and having integrity and moral fiber should be the measuring yardstick of performance for a political candidate as opposed to fighting on party lines. Unfortunately we as a nation have fallen so low morally and otherwise, that we might just get (and there is an over 90% chance of this happening) a psychopathic criminal like Gavin Newsom as the next President of the United States in 2024.

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I agree with you, my comment back to you was purely logistical, in that, he is registered as an NPP. He endorsed my democratic opponent during my campaign, so as far I am concerned, he is on the side of corruption. I just wanted to clarify that because I do think labels should matter, if we are going to use them, and there should be standard that is evident if labels are used. I appreciate that fact that you listened and saw something different in me and I seeing beyond the label to vote for me. If only more people were willing to do that, we might get somewhere.

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The construction of bike paths has been a concern to me for a long time. Everywhere it seems that roads are being torn up, lanes removed or narrowed to construct beautifully landscaped bike paths. The problem is that not only do they reduce the utility of the roads and in some cases could cause problems in emergencies or for emergency vehicles, but they are also rarely used by bicycles. As I drive, I count the number of bicycles using the bike paths and sometimes see perhaps one bike per mile but more often see no bikes. On Modoc west of Las Positas I more often see bicycles using the road instead of the bike path because bike paths have stop signs at intersections which the road does not, and the bike path also has more walkers than bikes which must be dodged to avoid collision and at intersections, cars wanting to enter the road block the bike path requiring bikes to stop or swerve around the car while if riding on the road they would proceed unimpeded. If you ever use Google maps street view you can virtually travel the bike paths and count the number of bikes using these things. You will find more walkers than bikes. Why then are there so many bike paths being constructed? Why are these projects approved when a casual observation of our existing bike paths would lead even a middling intellect or perhaps our city council to conclude that this is a waste of money. Part of it is undoubtedly a virtue signal that our city is environmentally aware and active and fighting the perceived existential climate emergency by wasting millions and millions of tax dollars constructing unused bike paths. It is a curiously repulsive fact that today our leaders see fit to address a manufactured problem (existential threat from climate change) by wasting taxpayer dollars on constructing bike paths that nobody uses. Is it political suicide for a council member to vote against such a project? Does anybody know how much we have spent on bike paths? Who is getting the construction contracts? I would love to know.

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Reading the most fitting comment, see fit to address a manufactured problem, how true.

Using the official documentation by the City of Santa Barbara and verified by many comments and effort of the Bicycle Coalition (now called Move) - the largest number of bike riders in the City of Santa Barbara was in the early 1980's. How many bike paths were in the city? ZERO.

Justification of build it and they will come died with the first bike path put on the streets. The City stopped doing their bike counts (using the bike guys to help) when the last count was just over 1600, which was lower than the baseline counted in the 1970's.

A CAB consultant was an epidemiologist and a college professor. He pointed out the changes in population are a direct predictor of bike use, "active transportation," and the observed changes. CAB has repeatedly made this point to cities in the county of Santa Barbara. CAB has asked for SBCAG, cities, and State Caltrans planners to either support this proven population changes to no avail.

The bottom line to the destructive changes you see on the streets of your community is pure politics with little to no justifications based on reality. Jeff's comments are based on reality not some politician who gets grant money.

Scott Wenz, President CAB

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I am glad to see Bonnie back in the saddle again, and at top form. My grandsons are teens now, but every year when they were youngsters, we'd have Grammy Xmas downtown. We'd ride the open-air trolley along State Street (25 cents!) and enjoy the decorated store fronts. Lunch at Nordstrom's cafe. Visiting shops galore, including Van's to let them select a pair each. Pick a special gift for Mommy, too. Walk and walk and walk. And then hop the MTD home to ypper State. THAT is what we lost to e-bikes and parklets. (PS: I don't dine on asphalt.) Welcome back, Bonnie! Keep em accountable.

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Yes , miss you now that the News Press is gone

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Goodbye to beautiful, unique Santa Barbara.

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