Yes! Yes! Yes! You’ve nailed down in words what has been on our minds about the full throttle degradation of our once beautiful and well thought out City.

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Here is one important remedy: YOUR VOTE. Yesterday we received our sample ballots in the mail. Do not vote for a single incumbent, unless that individual has been the consistent voice for sound governance. (Trustee Veronica Gallardo leaps to mind.) Support civic-minded candidates. I'd also like to add and as a poll worker: DO NOT mail your ballots in or use drop-off boxes. On Tuesday, March 5th, schlepp over to a precinct and physically drop off in a box witnessed by a poll worker. We can insist on secure elections when we walk the walk. Walk to the polling place. Compel Holland to retain in-person voting. Thanks Bonnie for another strong piece of writing.

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Umm. Mailing in your ballot is perfectly fine and safe and study after study shows this. In fact, it was mainly conservative voters who used it for years before the Pandemic. Heck the entire state of Utah uses mail in voting. Do you have a problem with Utah? I'm assuming you don't. Hmmm. I wonder why?

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Mailing ballots in either direction is fraught with potential for ballot leakage. Plenty of proof - check out 2000 Mules for a start. Not sure what "studies" you can possibly claim that prove vote by mail is "fine and safe". Please direct us to those studies.

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

You are wasting your breath on Will. The movie 2000 mules, and other video evidence shows multiple people depositing stacks of ballots into multiple drop boxes. Where does ONE person acquire so many ballots? I wouldn't trust anyone with mine to 'drop it off'! No way! Even if it's all legit, why drive around to multiple boxes depositing multiple stacks? This video can be staring people in the face and they'll still deny it. I'll wager Will never watched the movie, but instead just relied on 'the news' to tell him what to think. More than one link below is left leaning, so of course they are going to deny whatever we say. As for mail in ballots...OK, I'll bite. Mailing the ballots might be 'safe', but the issue is that many ballots mailed with no oversight are actually bogus or stolen ballots!

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

Will, vote by text is safe and secure as is vote by post it note. Your debunking nonsense proof is a bunch of biased crap from biased shit-assholes with an agenda. Now go put on your proud Democrat hat, jump into your electric car and go out and get your fifth booster. Stop on the way home at Chaucers and pick up a copy of Obama's fourth autobiography and perhaps a quart of Ben and Jerry's tranny chunk ice cream

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Jan 26·edited Jan 26

Good grief yes, 2000 Mules. Keep in mind the goal can only be zero tolerance - every vote must be valid and counted. One illegally cast vote cancels out my entire vote. Or perhaps it amplifies my vote by two. That is an unacceptable standard.

How can you possibly support any obvious weaknesses in the election process? Thanks for bringing your version of events to the table. Both opinions and findings help ensure the most ethical elections in the future. Nothing is more precious in this country.

Vote by mail is no longer an acceptable election standard. Not until every possible weakness is eliminated. Disenfranchising even a single voter is too high a price to pay for voter "convenience" or threats of "voter suppression".

Stay tuned. Jan 2024. NYT: Group Wins Legal Victory Over 2020 Voting Challenges in Georgia. The group, True the Vote (2000 Mules), had been accused by the liberal organization Fair Fight of violating the Voting Rights Act by intimidating voters. A judge rejected the claims.

Stay tuned to what is happening in Curling vs Raffensburger UD District Court N District Georgia -Atlanta: read the transcript of the testimony.

........."Last week, University of Michigan professor Dr. J Alex Halderman stood in front of a federal judge overseeing the seven-year-long Curling v Raffensperger case in Atlanta, Georgia and shocked the gallery. Halderman was able to successfully gain “super user” access to the Dominion ICX Ballot Marking Device (BMD) using nothing more than a BIC pen."........

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Reminder: "state mandates" are nothing more than the collective will of the people we elect to represent us in Sacramento.

Currently Senator Monique Limon and Assembly Gregg Hart. In the past Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson and Assembly Das Williams. All are members of the progressive Democrat super-majority in Sacramento. These in fact are the faces of "the state" who is doing this to us.

As voters, we are not helpless pawns of "the state"; but we do need to pay more attention to whom we elect to become our collective voices in Sacramento.

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Feb 22Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Yes to the irrational minds behind running this community. I'm somewhat new, 2019. I have seen a huge decline in esthetics, mismanaged and crumbling streets, ridiculous overgrowth of weeds EVERYWHERE! This place is a DUMP!! Yep! One of the wealthiest places to live that's beginning to look like Detroit! Old, falling apart, dirty. Soon Santa Barbara will reflect the dregs of L.A. Good job city managers. You're turning this Blue Zone into a cesspool.

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So, in the future, Santa Barbara's liberal leadership will surely turn this beautiful, peaceful, rare Blue Zone into another impoverished, crime-ridden rat hole. It was the good, hard-working generations of the past that insured a means to preserve this entire county! The ignorant liberal left ruined our once pristine, ranger protected forests. By never cleaning the forest floors THEY set up the fire storms! ANY conservation attempts to preserve the health of our protected wildlands they screamed was clear cutting. The Democrat consensus appears to be a desire to create overpopulated, devastated regions straining resources for people and wildlife. Not a VERY Green approach! Shame on them!

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Thank you! These Woke mandates will ruin life for everyone. Proven, GO Woke, Go Broke. San Francisco! Need ANYBODY say more!

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Heartbreaking for everyone!

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I could not agree more! Not everybody who wants to live in SB can afford to. I would love to live on 17 mile drive in Carmel...I simply cannot afford to. I do not expect someone to subsidize me, and destroy its beauty, so that I can live there. If these people want more crime, congestion, pollution and packed ugly developments, the answer is simple, go to LA.

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Not to overlook another development behemoth in Mission Canyon, the 560 units in two multi-story complexes also planned for the former Hazard estate property located behind the Santa Barbara Old Mission and across from the Natural History Museum back lot woodlands.

All residents of this planned 560 unit complex would be pouring out onto the main fire evacuation route for Riviera and Mission Canyon residents, and directly into one of the worst intersections in the city at East Los Olives and Alameda Padre Serra (APS) - fondly known as the triangle of death. Ripe for another round-about, which could lead to the partial destruction of the WWI Memorial Olive Grove planted over 100 years ago at this intersection.

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Great article..Lived in SB since 1960 & worked here for the last 52 years.Love working here mostly because of the climate.Obviously change is inevitable and "growth" is the primary influence for that and almost all of the change unfortunately is negative.The downtown parking issue is kind of the last deterent I needed to never go downtown to shop,go to a movie or go to a restsurant.i can't be the only one that feels that way.On the rare occasion I do want to see a film I'd go to Goleta or the Riviera theater.I would leave SB in a heartbeat if I could have the people I work for and with go with me.

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I read this article Titled "Who Town Is This?"

Everyone that has lived here and has a clear head

can see that the Good Ole Boys and Good Ole Gals

Own this Town and always have. Until recently.

Bonnie Donovan then States "Santa Barbara is careening downhill fast. If we don’t apply the brakes soon, it will be too late, and the city that we know – and that the world knows – will be lost to forced, haphazard, and state-mandated development."

As Tom Parker stated in his "Perceptions of Public Corruption" Article in the Independent and I quote

"For those of you who may not have knowingly experienced such behavior in your own community, and for purposes of this article, let me give you a quick homegrown lesson in what that malfeasance smells like." Folks read Tom Parker's article very very carefully because he flat out tells you who is here.

So Who Now Controls Santa Barbara Folks?

The United States Government with the DOJ and the FBI

Howard Walther, member of a Military Family

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This rambling, incoherent diatribe bouncing from one perceived 'sky-is-falling' problem to another is pretty juvenile. I mean too many one-way streets?? The 'get-off-my-lawn-not-in-my-backyard' vibes with no proposed solutions or nuance to these issues would make this a great opening monologue on fox news. The title itself- "Whose Town is This" is right out of the Trump playbook -- making perceived victims of people like the author who believe since they were lucky enough to afford real estate in this town that nobody else gets to have a voice.

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Lucky has very little to do with why most people live here. In fact, the main point is quite the opposite. People should not expect the government to provide housing in a place they can’t afford just because they want to live here. Most of us worked very hard for the privilege to live here because we appreciate and want to preserve the beauty and unique rich history this community has fought hard to preserve. Complaining about one way streets may be petty but not wanting SB to be destroyed like LA or San Francisco is not a rambling perceived problem.

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Saw this coming over twenty years ago! Now most of downtown is lined with vacant store fronts and homeless living in doorways. It was a great place to live back in the day!

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Is it just me or has anyone else noted the parallel between the reduced downtown retail vitality and the deleterious progression of parking fees? I will never understand why it is called Common Sense when it is so unbelievably uncommon.

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What are you surprised that the City of Santa Barbara and anti car factions have lied to the public? Are you surprised that the phrase "you don't understand, when it is finished it will work" is nothing more than an excuse to continue with what has failed for over 40 years?

Cars Are Basic, Inc. was started by locals in an attempt to wake up the anti car and power politics elite to the failures. Bonnie's comments are well taken and in the perspective of the quarter of a Century that CAB has been around spot on. The narrowing of State St. failed, and when Mayors Miller, Blum, Schneider, Murillo were asked to have "Staff" prepare an economic report as to how many of the middle class businesses survived, and how many "new" businesses made it on a destroyed transportation grid of Old Town the silence and refusal to answer was and is deafening. This Current Council has ignored the people. This Council has rammed through street destruction and dangerous conditions in the name of "saving Santa Barbara."

Let's look at the facts. The City narrowed streets for bike paths and now see thousands of fewer daily bike riders over the high point of the early 1980's when there were NO bike paths on the streets. The city center MTD Shuttle system was created to take shoppers up and down State St. and was pronounced a failure by MTD and the City "before COVID." Repeated City Public Works Directors, and City Administrators failed to produce statistics under the Calif. Public Records Act request (lie and it is a felony) that "Bulbouts" have reduced pedestrian accidents. Former advocate, city staffer, and at one time Public Works Director Van Hengle statements that Bulbouts were for pedestrian safety were proven to be a fib. She stated at a TCC meeting when she thought the mic was off the intent was to force Bike Riders into the Streets to slow traffic. There are many examples we can give.

The Current Council has ignored fierce complaints from Rancharia residents, the lower East Side residents, the over the continuing loss of parking and ease of traffic flow. They do not care. Quote Councilman O. Gutierrez, "transportation is changing." Huh? The traffic is changing because of arrogant and uncaring attitudes by elected officials who are "Forcing" changes in traffic that are detrimental to safety, emergency conditions, and just common sense.

The failure of the majority public to vote, to track council and more importantly arrogant Civil Service employees actions result in articles like this.

The sharks who don't give a darn about the long term viability of the Gem of Coastal Calif. is clear.

Who's Town Is This? Most certainly not the majority. Thanks for the article.

Now for a plug. CAB is a non-profit - Is a Public Advocate - has never used Taxpayer money.


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For a bit of history; District elections, forced upon us a few years ago under the threat of a CVRA law suit, terminated at-large voting for our city council members. The interests of the city as a whole was replaced with six specially drawn districts which now elect their own representative to sit on the seven person council, which also includes the mayor who is elected at-large.

This has fundamentally changed how the city operates - some newly created districts now take only a few hundred votes and get one vote on city council; other districts now take several thousand votes to get one vote on city council. At-large Mayor Randy Rowse is doing as good of a job as he can, but even he too has only one vote out of seven total city council votes. City decisions typically take at least four members to form a majority vote, sometimes more.

What one district today may not want might in their district may be up against at least four other votes on council who might be very happy with proposed changes. Is there any district throughout the city who is not subject to expansive new developments? Are there three districts along with the at-large mayor who can work together to slow this down?

Are our elected representatives in Sacramento, Gregg Hart and Monique Limon, working for or against these expanded state development mandates, which are materially impacting us today.

Which city council districts are aligned with the pro-development forces, or against the pro-development forces? (1) Mayor, (2) Eastside,(3) Westside-Downtown; (4) Westside; (5) Mesa, (6) Oak Park San Roque, (7) Upper East, Riviera, San Roque.

(NB: these are not the district numbers - just the six basic areas that each have one vote each on city council. Which four districts can form a new majority voting coalition?)

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Sadly, the property by the quality Inn is literally in my backyard. Total disregard for our neighborhood is deplorable. They keep telling us that it's only for low income but the reality is it's for homeless. Homeless they don't pay rent the city and state pay it. They say the service people need housing but that's not where this project is going. And ask about how this affects our property values, they had the nerve to tell me that it will increase the property values. Really???

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Which businesses benefit from these multiple public housing projects for "service employees"? Is there a list so we can patronize these services that are now provided to local residents, in exchange for the subsidized housing we will be providing.

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There is a former Army Reserve that has been given the ok to build up to 3 story housing that will hammer traffic on Las Positas and State that is already busy.

Then you have the newly approved housing authority on the De la Vina Side. There is already a shelter across the street on De la Vina that used to be a fire station.

They are intentionally hemming in the traffic grid. Add in the change from a capitalist venture (motel) that will take the tax base and the smaller taxes like the school taxes away.

Do you know that the City of SB has already approved a bike plan to take 50% of outer State traffic lanes away?

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