A plea for sunset clauses to apply to any such sweeping legislation is also in order, that allowed the government to micro-manage private industry ad infinitum.
Regulatory legislation, with such petty self-interest origins now over 100 years old, should automatically come up for review and renewal. Including a deep dive that evaluates the laws of unintended consequences that may well have distorted any original legislative intent beyond all recognition.
Similar legislation controls the cruise ship industry, leading also to artificial distortions in order to be in legislative compliance. Does anyone really want a mandatory stop in Ensenada, Mexico just to get from Los Angeles to Hawaii and back?
A “flaw” in our shipping is allowing unaccompanied large ships to be so close to important infrastructure.
15 minutes.
Y tugboat escorts aren’t required or even customary in Baltimore or at many other U.S. ports, mostly because of the costs they would add for shippers.
Two 5,000-horsepower tugs, which only minutes earlier had helped guide the ship out of its berth at the Port of Baltimore let her go by herself once pointed in the right direction
The extra 15 minutes of tug boat guidance is apparently too expensive for the shippers to pay
Excellent set of observations. ... Yes, legislatures enact laws for special interests with no interest in the common good or general welfare. These temporary measures always benefit the principals for a short period, and cost the common good untold misery for the remainder of the 'civilization.' For this reason, I call them Ponzi schemes. Albeit in a Ponzi scheme the early winners are not necessarily in on the scam and maybe suckered later.
Our whole national enterprise has been hobbled and riddled with these schemes. Many are favorites of conspiracy theorists, but many are lesser known or completely unknown.
One of my "incarnations" while surviving the Leftist Nightmare formerly known as the American Dream ... was environmental engineering ... and the number of such schemes and scams in the environmental regulatory field rivals the list of occupations maintained by the Dept. of Labor. Many of them are so convoluted and complex only an expert would understand the scam.
To be fair ... when "no good deed goes unpunished" ... becomes "any good deed means bankruptcy and only those with bribe money will go free" ...
... It should be no surprise that only criminals engage in so many business activities formerly jammed with competition by ingenious, industrious, and intelligent entrepreneurs with integrity.
Such an outcome always arises when the innocent are punished collectively for the wrong-doing of the bad apples.
This is why Admiralty/Maritime Law is Unconstitutional. It is commonly known universally as pirate law. Business law and Contracts will be changing back to Common Law when New California State comes in there will be no more NDAs or exculpatory clauses that deny people their Constitutional rights and due process. No more Unions. Read up on the Doctrine of Lessor Magistrate.
The Organic Act of 1871 incorporated Washington DC, created all the 3 letter agencies including our current tax system under maritime law. This act combined with Washingtion Dc invoked the Vatican, and the Crown when the United States Constitution was enacted by God and ratified by Congress as a Republic for "We the People."
A plea for sunset clauses to apply to any such sweeping legislation is also in order, that allowed the government to micro-manage private industry ad infinitum.
Regulatory legislation, with such petty self-interest origins now over 100 years old, should automatically come up for review and renewal. Including a deep dive that evaluates the laws of unintended consequences that may well have distorted any original legislative intent beyond all recognition.
Similar legislation controls the cruise ship industry, leading also to artificial distortions in order to be in legislative compliance. Does anyone really want a mandatory stop in Ensenada, Mexico just to get from Los Angeles to Hawaii and back?
Fascinating! CJC
Please correct a few typos in the article. Case in point: it should read Sri Lanka and NOT Ski Lanka. Thanks!!!
Thank you, Poornima! Good eye. Corrected online.
A “flaw” in our shipping is allowing unaccompanied large ships to be so close to important infrastructure.
15 minutes.
Y tugboat escorts aren’t required or even customary in Baltimore or at many other U.S. ports, mostly because of the costs they would add for shippers.
Two 5,000-horsepower tugs, which only minutes earlier had helped guide the ship out of its berth at the Port of Baltimore let her go by herself once pointed in the right direction
The extra 15 minutes of tug boat guidance is apparently too expensive for the shippers to pay
But this action was intentional.
Baltimore tug boat rates: https://www.morantug.com/Customer-Content/www/ports-and-operations/Files/Moran_Baltimore_Schedule_of_Rates_Terms_and_Conditions_07_15_23.pdf
Excellent set of observations. ... Yes, legislatures enact laws for special interests with no interest in the common good or general welfare. These temporary measures always benefit the principals for a short period, and cost the common good untold misery for the remainder of the 'civilization.' For this reason, I call them Ponzi schemes. Albeit in a Ponzi scheme the early winners are not necessarily in on the scam and maybe suckered later.
Our whole national enterprise has been hobbled and riddled with these schemes. Many are favorites of conspiracy theorists, but many are lesser known or completely unknown.
One of my "incarnations" while surviving the Leftist Nightmare formerly known as the American Dream ... was environmental engineering ... and the number of such schemes and scams in the environmental regulatory field rivals the list of occupations maintained by the Dept. of Labor. Many of them are so convoluted and complex only an expert would understand the scam.
To be fair ... when "no good deed goes unpunished" ... becomes "any good deed means bankruptcy and only those with bribe money will go free" ...
... It should be no surprise that only criminals engage in so many business activities formerly jammed with competition by ingenious, industrious, and intelligent entrepreneurs with integrity.
Such an outcome always arises when the innocent are punished collectively for the wrong-doing of the bad apples.
This is why Admiralty/Maritime Law is Unconstitutional. It is commonly known universally as pirate law. Business law and Contracts will be changing back to Common Law when New California State comes in there will be no more NDAs or exculpatory clauses that deny people their Constitutional rights and due process. No more Unions. Read up on the Doctrine of Lessor Magistrate.
Sherry do you have a suggested reading or link for "Doctrine of Lessor Magistrate" - thanks.
Yes here is the link. Thelessormagistrate.com
Thank you for the links.
The Organic Act of 1871 incorporated Washington DC, created all the 3 letter agencies including our current tax system under maritime law. This act combined with Washingtion Dc invoked the Vatican, and the Crown when the United States Constitution was enacted by God and ratified by Congress as a Republic for "We the People."