Electing Roy Lee as supervisor, to replace the equally awful Das Williams, would be a significant shot across the bow of the liberal establishment

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What an excellent summary of the current disastrous situation. People have to step back and take a look at how things are and how things were. The people, and the people alone, are the ones who can make the necessary changes. Remember that the number one priority of any elected politician is to get reelected. Obviously, the welfare of the community and its people is clearly not our congressman's highest priority; how could it be when he votes 100% of the time with the President with the worst approval rating and policies in modern history.

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Good to see Henry's fine wit and wisdom carry on in the new SB Current!

As a candidate running against Salud, always on the lookout for new damage caused by DSA friendly Salud to our county and nation. There's plenty to go around.

Cole’s tough rhetorical questions to Salud

Here are my questions for Salud and his voters:

1) Hey Salud, why are you flooding our country with millions of illegals? You pretend to fight fentanyl while keeping the borders wide open. Are you getting kickbacks? It's like you are talking out of both sides of your mouth.

2) Hey Salud, why’d you send $200 Million (from our 24th district) and $200Billion nationally to kill 500,000 young men in Ukraine? While our veterans are dying in the streets?

3) Hey Salud, why’d you vote to keep trans men in our daughter’s showers at school? Do Latino voters know you protect the feelings of trans men over their daughters rights to privacy and dignity?

4) Hey Salud, why’d you vote to close our oil jobs? Where are local Latino's and Anglo's and anyone who wants a good paying blue color job supposed to go to support a family and buy a home?

Do you tell them, " Here is a free rake, now go clean my lawn"?

5) Hey Salud, why’d you make a deal with the Chumash to give them the Channel Islands Sanctuary? Are you planning to give Chumash all the land from Figueroa Mountain to Malibu as they have demanded? Thomascoleforcongress.com

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Henry, great article. You hit all the important points. We have to keep up the fight; don’t quit! Don’t give up! Keep up the good work! You’re continuing to make a difference, my friend.

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Here is the NewCaliforniaState.com proclamation, declaration of Independence fm Jan 25, 2018. Declaring Statehood in Sacramento, Ca. Our electors will be in Washington DC to approach Congress. No other Organization has the constitutional standing. I myself read the declaration at lompoc city hall yesterday afternoon and at Lompoc city council meeting last night https://rumble.com/v47ev5c-new-california-state-steps-to-statehood-proclamation-of-statehood.html

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Henry's reasoned explanation of the state of California is real and depressing. Salud is no more than a loyal, obedient, foot soldier to Pelosi.

But despite our despair over the state of California, there are two immutable facts we have to face. The Republican party in California is a failed organization.

The party affiliations of registered voters are: 47% Democrat; 24% Republican; 23% Independent. The Independents

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The parity of GOP + Independents (47%) equals the current Democrat registrations. (47%) That alone is powerful - what keeps Independents from registering as Democrats, even though they often vote with them. How many Independents also vote with the GOP. What would make Independents support a more conservative and fiscally sound agenda for this state.

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There are far more crimes against We People of Santa Barbara County that have not been acknowledged by the efforts of NewCaliforniaState.com. 23 counties have active open election fraud investigations including Santa Barbara County. most notorious is San Luis Obispo, whose Independent Republicans uncovered the fraud thanks to Linda Quinlan and Gretchen Ricker. Shasta County terminated their contract with Dominion Machines, Riverside County Sherriff Chad Bianco's IT department found election fraud via the internet and mail-in voting., San Joaquin County Sherriffs arrested a city council member for fraud when they discovered numerous ballots in envelopes all addressed with his home address. What no one talks about is how the democrats absented the California Legislature for several weeks to avoid a quorum in 2021 which is an act of Insurrection against the US Constitution. Which solidified the constitutional standing of NewCaliforniaState.com has declared statehood on the 15th Of January, 2024 up in Sacramento, Ca President Paul Preston is no new comer to the alternative media realm. He broadcast daily over his a21r.com, and American Exceptional News Network aka AENN in Rumble. He has been broadcasting since 1993 when he was still working actively as school administation for LAUSD with over 40 years. He documented the use of DEW usage in Paradise, California, The Illegal Fake Climate Change agenda. He follows up each week with the updates of the Oroville dam with their damaged spillway. This Constitutional Movement is an Education (501c4)https://www.agenda21radio.news/2024/01/07/new-california-become-next-west-virginia/

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It would help if the GOP state party and its local SB branch wasn't stupendously incompetent. It's almost as if they go out of their way to alienate independent voters by backing Trump, who is the most hated politician in the state by a country mile. You notice the Dems always brand any GOP candidate as a Trump clone because they know that works so well. Finally, the party should spend 100% of its resources and time registering voters. When Dems enjoy a 2 to 1 margin in registration, no Republican will ever win a statewide office ever again. Also, stop talking about abortion and gay marriage, these issues are losers for Republicans when they obsess about them.

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Like most all politicians (yes republicans and democrats…and yes all the way down to the local levels), Salud is compromised…he sells his vote for favors returned…for those that can’t yet see it, the narratives are breaking down as we move into the Age of Aquarius…The Great Awakening is occurring across the world…thank you Mr Schulte for pointing up one of our main adversaries here in Santa Barbara County.

PS, good time to consider purchasing gold & silver (real money) as one considers the “stay the course” recommendations from financial purveyors…the dollar is dead and the powers-that-be have plans to crash the markets in order to bring in the CBDC replacement currency as part of the Great Reset…God Bless

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County puts out a call for March 5 primary election workers - an excellent chance to see how our elections really work. https://www.noozhawk.com/poll-workers-needed-for-march-5-presidential-primary-election/

Are there weak links in the handling of our ballots? How adequate is the training and checks and balances for ballot handling, which gets more complicated with every election. How helpful and competent are the county employee election overseers? Is the chain of custody of cast ballots scrupulously maintained?

Odd the county encourages county employees to also volunteer, when all country employees have a direct and immediate conflict of interests monitoring elections for their own next bosses. Ethical guidelines typically require no conflict of interests, or even the appearance of a a conflict of interest.

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WSJ today sets out the chilling agenda should Representative Adam Schiff win the race to replace long-serving Senator Diane Feinstein. Leaders in this race currently are Rep Adam Schiff (D), former Rep Katie Porter (D) and Steve Garvey (R).

To wit Adam Schiff supports the following: End the filibuster allowing only a slim partisan majority to set an entire national agenda; national right to abortion; national gun restrictions; PRO Act favoring unions; increase corporate income tax to 35%; cancellation of student debt; federal child allowances; trial program for universal basic income; increase SCOTUS to 13 judges; federalize elections to allow nationwide ballot harvesting, and to tally mail-in ballots for 10 days after the election. (WSJ)

We do have choices in California - let's exercise them, even if this means walking your own precinct, in this election. Contact county elections office to obtain a list of GOP and Independents addresses in your own neighborhood. This election more than ever we do need to move beyond any local GOP organization, or lack thereof. This election must make inroads into the growing numbers of voters registered as Independents.

Time to grass-roots - GOTV* - ourselves, just like Democrats do with their cadres of self-interested government employees and their highly disciplined employee unions. Putting out an alternative conservative governance message in the most basic terms to Independents is key, rather than letting local Democrats continue to define us in the most negative light. (edHat - Independent - Noozhawk)

Conservative principles: protection of private property; rule of law; limited government; free and competitive markets. Fiscal prudence.

Liberal principles: erosion of private property; two systems of justice; Big Government; micromanaged, high-tax nanny state. Massive public debt.

*GOTV = Get Out The Vote.

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Very well written Henry loved your article, except for what you may not know about Andy Caldwell, like so many other Republicans they won't use their critical thinking to read the writings of our framers and forefathers. History has been removed from our schools and colleges.

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In 1988, voters passed Prop 98 in support of guaranteed funding for state public education (K-14). Two fall-outs from this well-intended ballot initiative have been (1) the growth and power of the state teachers unions to become, as even former Gov Jerry Brown admitted - an unelected fourth branch of our state government; and (2) a precipitous plunge in educational outcomes for our students.

Time for a reassessment of what this 1988 voter-approved Prop 98 guaranteed flow of significant tax dollars solely into a single state institution, with their concentrated union membership, has done to the political and educational fabric of this state.

The law of unintended consequences comes to mind. I strongly support quality public education and have devoted a significant part of my life to this very goal. That is not the issue. The issue is the unintended consequence of establishing a generous and guaranteed tax payer funding stream, with no accountability for outcomes. Prop 98 is ripe for review over 35 years later.

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We are looking at numbers, and voters. There are groups within the democrats and NPP that are amenable to switching their vote to R. For instance Gen Z is looking around at $5 gas, $200 a bag groceries and $2,300 rent and saying, “ Why am I voting for Salud and the democrats sending $200 billion to Ukraine to kill millions? And there are parents and grand parents who don’t want Salud and the democrats to send their young people to die in the mud of Ukraine while our veterans die on the streets. Many people are also wondering why the borders are wide open, bringing in drugs, bringing in criminals and filling up to the last inch of housing with illegals… while the Democrats prevent us from building anything, preventing good energy jobs, bringing in pot farms and casinos, while our have to leave the state to buy a home, start a family or even find a job. And our young people who manage to stay in CA are dying from fentanyl poisoning in their dorms. So what has Salud done? Well, he did vote to keep trans men in your daughter’s locker room, and wrote letters to constituents saying “we’ve got to protect the trans Men. He even wrote letters saying We don’t want to hurt their feelings”.

So these are not very defensible positions, and I propose there is an alternative that is worthy of funding. Thomascoleforcongress.com

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It is ironic that his name means “health” I need to look up the Spanish word for plague🙄

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Tonight at 7pm NewCaliforniaState.com (click on sunday/wednesday callins ) has it Zoom call for the public to phone in and ask questions. We ask thst you keep your microphone muted until we recite the pledge of allegance and prayers before the meetings. Chris Street is giving his financial updates, Paul Preston speaks after and everyone raises their hands are answered in order. Come join us and your presence is always welcome to have your voice heard.

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