The “solution” to this is supposed to be a centrally planned housing mandate, emanating from the socialists/ Marxists in Sacramento. Check out the Epoch Times article ( Tony Hall- The Big Con in the California Housing Mandate) from today. He describes the politics of mandating communities all over the state to somehow come up with a required number of new housing units. Whether they are deemed “ affordable” or not, they are going to have baked in the notions of minimizing automobile transportation, by inadequate parking allowances. Also watch for expensive all electric homes, designed to eliminate the supposedly climate change generating gas powered appliances. The elimination of capitalism and free market solutions is being fueled by the cycle of public/ private organizations benefiting from these schemes, who are funding the politicians who invent and mandate them.

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Time to personalize those "socialist/Marxists in Sacramento", because local voters again chose state Senator Monique Limon and Assemblyman Gregg Hart in this last election to represent our local interests in Sacramento.

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Mar 11Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Andy, another excellent informative article. There is little that can be done until the people running CAGOP are removed and replaced by more able and younger people and until the Republican party in California can become the party favored by the majority Hispanic community in both California and Santa Barbara County.

Demographics conquers all. And the GOP in California is at the bottom in age groups and overall numbers.

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I live in Lompoc and don't feel poor. I am not in any government assistance. I believe that being poor is only in the mind. God is my king and he provides me everything and more. Life is good.

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Considering the majority of people affected are minorities?

This goes to education as well.

After decades under Democratic control the world’s 5th largest economy is ranked 44th in the nation for academics.

The primary people affected are minorities , it is purposeful choosing to not educate minorities.


To ensure a working class ?

What do the elites need & want? Staff, to be waited on. They need maids, gardeners, cooks, etc.

They, Democrats, the party stemming from the KKK roots do not want to elevate the people.

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Excellent article Andy. It states the oblivious that our B of S know, yet do nothing to help because they are of the Elite Class. Only the Elite (arrogant) and ignorant, support these ill conceived "save the world" ideas. They know it is one of their series of steps to get rid of the Middle Class. They need the poor to be their slaves.

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Exemplified by Das, hopefully replaced by Roy Lee

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"hopefully" is the operative word here but... Roy Lee is a Democrat so don't get your hopes up yet. When the Party comes calling will he stand up to the pressure or fold as so many of his so-called "middle of the road" brethren always do? You do know what is said about those who drive in the middle of the road; right?...

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Mar 10Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Keeping labor peace with SEIU and other county employee unions quickly becomes job number one, for any newly elected representative. How did Das Williams lose their favor?

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Sometimes you pick the best of 2 bad choices.

Both Roy and Das represent a party whose core beliefs I reject. “Hopefully,” Roy will better for our community than Das has been. Carp is now the pot growing capital of the state. At least Roy is not owned by that industry .

We don’t need more greenhouses full of stinky weed, and an oblivious out of touch Supervisor looking to go further up the political ladder.

Even many of Das’ fellow Dems threw him under the bus.

There was no viable Republican in that race, to my knowledge

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OMG! You nailed it!!

What is going on within local and state government is reflected in our Federal Government .

We are following the planned destruction of our Constitution by the current Democratic


Waking up through the honest the truth and sharing it.

Thank you, Jill Mosher

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I suspect many legal and illegal migrants don’t join the labor unions for the same reason no semiconductor manufacturers will open factories in the USA, despite $50B in “free money” offers from the CHIPS act. Because no one wants to be controlled by government money with woke DEI strings attached. They just want to work, and may the best most skilled and hardest workers rise to the top. That was originally the promise of America and why anyone would come here.

Now it is clown world.

I remember asking a few Mexican friends working on construction if they were going to go downtown SB and protest in the “Day Without a Mexican” march? Without skipping a beat they asked me “How much does it pay? Do they need skilled carpenters for this?” 😂

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Hey Andy, interesting article.

Curious: which county official made the "confession" you quoted in your first paragraph?

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The "poorest" in this nation receiving food stamps and Medical-Cal are richer than the poorest in Brazil, Uganda or India.

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You wrote "most construction workers, 85% to be exact, including most minority construction workers, don’t belong to a union". What is keeping them out of the labor trade unions? Discrimination within the unions? Or anti-unionism? As for all those agricultural workers in north county on work visas, most are restricted to doing field work and have neither a path upward, nor a path to citizenship. Fossil fuels and petroleum-based plastics have been poisoning our planet for decades while petroleum companies knew it and lied about it. Those who have been paying attention didn't bury their heads in the sand, but prepared for the inevitable transition to renewables. In your litany of welfare recipients who benefit at the taxpayers' expense you neglected to include the reduction of corporate and wealth taxes initiated by Reagan and expanded by Trump - the savings these generate for the richest in our country are also "welfare."

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There is no "state" telling us what to do; there are the collective voices in Sacramento that now include state Senator Monique Limon (D) and Assemblyman Gregg Hart (D). Do they in fact best serve our overall local interests, even when local voters continue to elect them by wide majorities? What is really behind their continued electability.

And if/when they do not represent this area's best interests, who shall replace them? They do what SEIU and the teachers unions tell them to do; and they manifest blindly this make-believe, one size fits all "green" agenda. Critically on the table right now, how will Limon and Hart solve the current state budget deficit: increase revenues and/or decrease expenses?

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