Feb 2Liked by Santa Barbara Current

I read this article by Mr. Tremblay and I quote "Charitable Remainder Trusts enable individuals to support charitable causes close to their heart. By designating a charitable organization or foundation as the ultimate beneficiary of the trust, donors can leave a lasting legacy while supporting the causes they care about."

There is another deeper and darker side to "Charitable Remainder Trusts" that they can be and are used to conceal and direct money to those in kick backs and pay backs. Charitable Trusts are not well scrutinized by the IRS. With a large number of "Charitable Trusts" in Santa Barbara with the Good Ole Boys and Good Ole Gals this financial vehicle can easily be used to pay back your benefactors.

I would advise all here to look at this Video and Money Laundering into Charities.................


Howard Walther, member of a military family

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Ah yes! Mr Crandell, or Mr Santa Barbara was a “coining” for this Champion for so many, especially the Nonprofit World! I was incredibly fortunate to be able to call Larry my friend. His quickness of wit with humor was a trademark. I would compare him with Bob Hope. Where Larry shined brightly was as MC for a charity kindly embarrassing individuals for their donations. Larry understood the immense importance of the Nonprofit world filling in the many gaps society creates.

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Thank you Tim for this article. The Current is at its best when it actually teaches me something I didn't know a lot about (Charitable Remainder Trusts). I would like to see more of this and less partisan political diatribes.

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Shameless self promotion

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