Wonderful! Bonne soirée Jim. À bientôt ‼️CJC

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Meanwhile to take your mind off the Paris April showers weather, back on the home front: 25 ways America is destroying itself, in under two minutes. Sacre bleu! : https://rumble.com/v4quer5-25-ways-the-biden-harris-regime-is-destroying-america-in-under-two-minutes.html

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Perfect! concise & points up most all tactics of the Cultural Revolution that was planned to take down Our Nation…hard to believe that some people refuse to see it (Stockholm Syndrome)…shaking my head…

PS…if America falls, The World falls (AmRev 2.0 + GlobalRev 1.0)…Fight for Trump!!!


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Jim, Thanks for the tip re: The Paris Insider. Enjoy!

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Good rainy day reading. Edmund Burke - Reflections on the Revolution in France. The seeds of conservatism in a nutshell.

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The French Revolution was a mistake and it's consequences have been disastrous for the human race. It greatly accelerated the promotion of anti-clericalism which we see so prominent everywhere especially among young people. It was a destruction of the values of older, more moral societies and replacing them with all sorts of "enlightened" and liberal ideas.

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Jim, it sounds like a wonderful time and makes me want to get out and travel and experience Interesting people and the cool little quaint things in special places:). Have fun!

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Joyeux anniversaire

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