
With a brain-dead Biden and a brain-less Kamala at the helm (purportedly), and hare (hair?)-brained Newsom in charge of California, we'll be in great shape to combat a New Ice Age... no, Global Warming... wait, Climate Change, yeah, yeah, that's it!

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I meant to add that this would be after cleaning up the debris left behind by the Big One...

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Dec 1, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

This was predictably a financial disaster and who's lack of mandated oversight undermines the false tax-payer protections in ballot measures.

The 2008 enabling Proposition 1A legislation contains number of mandatory design characteristics, two very important of many have long been acknowledged as unachievable in the current designs but are never mentioned in press reporting: the maximum nonstop service travel times between San Francisco and Los Angeles shall not exceed two hours and 40 minutes; and passengers shall have the capability of traveling from any station to any other without being required to change trains.

How has the project has moved so far forward in apparent violation of these specific voter-approved provisions? Is there no oversight requiring the project comply with the Proposition? Neither the Senate Transportation Committee nor the required Peer Review Panel ever address these, the proverbial "elephants in the room", and continue to release the bond funds.

The enabling legislation requirements are specific yet never, ever achievable:

Section 2704.09. The high-speed train system to be constructed pursuant to this chapter shall be designed to achieve the following characteristics:

(a) Electric trains that are capable of sustained maximum revenue operating speeds of no less than 200 miles per hour.

(b) Maximum nonstop service travel times for each corridor that shall not exceed the following:

(1) San Francisco-Los Angeles Union Station: two hours, 40 minutes. (2) Oakland-Los Angeles Union Station: two hours, 40 minutes.

(3) San Francisco-San Jose: 30 minutes.

(4) San Jose-Los Angeles: two hours, 10 minutes.

(5) San Diego-Los Angeles: one hour, 20 minutes.

(6) Inland Empire-Los Angeles: 30 minutes.

(7) Sacramento-Los Angeles: two hours, 20 minutes.

(c) Achievable operating headway (time between successive trains) shall be

five minutes or less.

(d) The total number of stations to be served by high-speed trains for all of

the corridors described in subdivision (b) of Section 2704.04 shall not exceed 24. There shall be no station between the Gilroy station and the Merced station.

(e) Trains shall have the capability to transition intermediate stations, or to bypass those stations, at mainline operating speed.

(f) For each corridor described in subdivision (b), passengers shall have the capability of traveling from any station on that corridor to any other station on that corridor without being required to change trains.

The voters were sold a bill of goods and no one in government is protecting our interests.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Santa Barbara Current

Think about this when you next bash EVs. I charge both my EVs at home, at night using the stored energy from my solar powered storage battery, which is also set up to support the SCE grid during power outages. I agree about the big one though.

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I don't "bash" EVs, though I have a plug-in hybrid Honda Clarity, but I do "bash" the mandate that everything must be electric NOW. I do remember the failure of the "all-electric" GE homes from the 1950s and '60s. I bet you do too!

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Actually, your system would be set up to supply power to the grid, and then nominally during peak hours, if supporting the grid is the objective, as it would be highly illegal and highly dangerous to attempt to back feed into the grid during a power outage.

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