Thanks, Tim. My suggestion for fixing the border is to require the White House, Senate and Congress to relocate to a border town - one within walking distance of the border - while they hash out a new immigration plan. No going anywhere else until they agree on a new border plan in all its facets and it's put in place. We'd very quickly have a border that was strictly maintained and patrolled.
The social fabric of communities is being altered ,,,,,, and this is exactly what the opposition wants. They have failed long term so change the rules of the game. Oh and open your check account it is going to be very, very, very expensive. Forget about the cultural costs.
The cost of inflation by the idiots incharge have ruined many families and businesses. It is all related.
Are you still voting for and supporting their failure? Why?
You probably also love the Death Valley (closed State St.) the stupid narrowing of Old Town Goleta Hollister, and the dangerous e-motorcycles on the streets.......
It is time to change. Change is tough when you are part of the power elite of the past 50 years that has failed. Change is tough to do when you use the excuse "It just takes a little bit more of change and it will work." The Communist apologists use that one all the time. (It took the USSR 75 years to finally crumble) They want you to move along and ignore their failures.
When you walk into city hall look at each city council member including the Mayor. The turn into public works and look over that staff, and tell traffic engineers how they screwed up.
When you are done with that ask why they totally ignored the majority of the businesses and users of Old Town Hollister. Then ask them why they refused to engage Cars Are Basic, when we showed at Council sessions objecting.
You will then have a good idea who came up with this intentional congestion causing plan.
Good catch. There is an even larger "Robbing the Piggy Bank," coming. There are numerous issues of FEMA funds being used to house homeless that includes the illegals. FEMA funds are secured for rebuilding NOT housing of homeless. That Price Tag is going to come down on State, County, and City uses that were and are illegal.
The only thing that has stopped it is one party that controls the Senate, had long term control over the House, and the White House. When there is a change in administration and sweeping aside the administrative cover-up there are going to be a whole lot of elected, and administrative staff that are going to have to own up to intentional mis-use of Federal Money. It will be interesting to see how California fares when that hammer comes down.
The cost to the American taxpayer is incalculable. Easily in the hundred of billions, if not trillions. Major cost centers are obviously health, education and criminal justice. With over 10 million
Illegals during the Biden administration, the ongoing cost burden threatens social services, Medicare, housing etc. to the brink of collapse.Harris has already said she supports Medicare for illegals.
Yes, illegals are great for service jobs, cheap labor, which the Chamber of Commerce loves but,the net effect is a massive drain on our essential services.
Time for a change! Close the border, get tough on Mexico and other triangle countries. Massive deportations must be part of the process.
Why do we continue to be such suckers? Other countries certainly do not allow this. Countries such as Hungary realize their national identity is at stake and closed their borders resulting in backlash from other countries who have been overrun like France and Belgium.
When my daughter wanted a student visa in Spain, she had to hire a lawyer, open an account with a Spanish bank and a minimum of $8k balance. Also required health exam and complete criminal background check. When the visa expires, you MUST leave.
The illegals in this country also pose a security risk. Who are these people committing heinous crimes? This is a ticking time bomb and can go off on us at any given moment!
Great points on the border. Love the home analogy.
As to sanctuary cities & states they are aiding & abetting criminals. Which is a criminal offense. As such the government should also be held liable for any crimes committed by the law breakers they harbor, such as theft, rape, murder, or terror attacks.
Tax payer money is being used to harbor fugitives. We taxpayers are helping them break the law. Perhaps we should stop paying taxes as our money is being used for illegal activities.
Laws are what makes a civil society. If people don’t like the law they should lobby to change the laws, not break them.
Otherwise we can all park where want, drive as fast as we want, and not pay taxes. What laws are ok to break & who dictated that? Democrats. Rules for thee but not for me.
Many people say that Biden has committed treason by opening the border. A secure border is one of the fundamental duties of the American President, head of the Executive Branch of government.
I read this excellent article by Mr. Tremblay titled "The Cost of an Open Border"
and I quote "What in the world is going to happen with the U.S. border? Something that seemed so simple, so necessary has developed into a major conundrum for our country. When you talk about an “existential threat,” the border situation is exactly that. The border and immigration are of the most important concerns during this election period."
The new title should read "The Cost of an Open Border to Santa Barbara and California"
As Mr. Tremblay stated The "Existential Threat" is clear and a Danger to us all. As I have been
very direct to everyone here the So-Called-Santa Barbara Leaders failed to Detect that "Existential
Threat" then they Concealed that "Existential Threat" and I will give you all a hint by ...........>>>>
I would suggest everyone here reads the above link and I quote "In the hearing, members received confirmation of the urgent national security threat posed by the nearly 1.8 million known gotaways and the rising number of individuals on the terrorist watchlist apprehended crossing the Southwest border—especially as America’s enemies, including Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah, have been emboldened to spread their malign influence following the October 7 terrorist attacks on our ally, Israel." Any Concealed Terrorists and additional "Existential Threats" operating here in SB County Folks???? I will pose another question for Mr. Carbajal. Any "Existential Threats" here in Santa Barbara County that were concealed? Anyone here in Santa Barbara that addressed those "Existential Threats"?
I had a physics professor once who had just chalked on the blackboard some equations having to do with quantum electrodynamics. He made the statement "This will be obvious to those to whom it is obvious". I think he might say the same thing about your article, Tim. To me it makes complete sense...but to others it may make no sense at all. That's the conundrum in which we find ourselves in America today. But not for the first there is always hope. For me...much prayer!
Very sensible column. We currently have too many leaders who actively hate and undermine traditional America and traditional Americans. Our country is rapidly turning into nothing more than a Tower of Babel-style open-air market, ruled over by an Ivy-tech-finance oligarchy. I’d be all in favor of a 50 year moratorium on all immigration, but I’ll take anything I can get in the way of improvement. Here’s hoping Trump wins, ends the anchor-baby insanity, starts deportations and seals the border.
What is "traditional America"? America is a secular nation founded on classical liberal beliefs and enlightenment thought. The founding fathers were influenced by freemasonry which has been condemned by the Catholic Church for appealing to relativism and secularism, for implying that their are multiple means of salvation through some unamed God, and for undermine Church authority and Church teaching.
Authentic Christians and Traditionalists opposed the values America was founded upon of relatvism, secularism, and pluralism rooted in indifference.
America was founded on Biblical values. Our values, such as belief that all men are created equal, and have an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are Biblical. Our constitution is Biblical. Innocent until proven guilty, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms... ALL Biblical. The United States was NOT founded on secularism.
Separation of church and state had more to do with the wide variety of different Christian denominations and not wanting to have one specific church denomination become the "State Church" and dominant or alienate the others.
But don't get it twisted, our founders were NOT all secularists. Yes, *some* of them were freemasons, the most well known ones. But most of the people that signed the Declaration of Independence were simple Christian men. Our laws and values are based on Biblical laws and values.
I respectfully disagree, America while appealingin some superficial aspects to Christianity departs from historical Christian teachings and doctrines. Your point that all people have a right to life liberty and happiness for example is not fully in line with Christian understanding, butbagain reflects the classical liberalismand enlightenment beliefs that influenced the founding fathers.. While all people have a right to life, a Catholic understanding of liberty posits that we are free to do what is RIGHT and promotes a communal and moral good; freedom is a means to an end, that end being to live and die in the friendship and love of Gkd and neighbor. Christian teaching rejects material happiness and posits that Holiness is our primary objective, not merely being happy, true fulfillment is found when living in alignment with God's will.
Freedom of speech is not at a biblical concept, indeed, in scripture and in the writings of Church Fathers we sew the opposite expressed;
James 3:5-6;
“So also the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how much wood is kindled by how small a fire! And the tongue is a fire: the world of iniquity among our members is the tongue, which defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the wheel of nature, and is set on fire by hell”
Ephesians 4-29; Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers
St. Augustin emphasizs that speech must be charitable so as to avoid sins of the tongue in his writing “Confessions”.
The Papal Encylcial Mirari Vos (1832) by Pope Gregory XVI emphasizes thay unlimited freedom is ultimately a moral wrong as it can promote social and moral decay, we see that today with the promotion of sexual deviancy, of drug use, and of vulgar materials and speech.
In the 1800’s American colleges started to removed statues and plaques that showed the Christian values they were founded on. And then they began to indoctrinate students with the narrative that the United States was never Christian. Marxists are very good at erasing history.
America has always been a secular nation, it was founded on classical liberalism, republicanism, and enlightenment beliefs, all of which center around the rejection of hierarchical authorities like Christian Monarchs, the Church, an appeal to rationalism and rejection of divine revelation and truths, and the embrace of secular relativism which lacks an objective moral framework and popular will to take precedent over moral truths in the case of republics, or allows for thr horrible acts of violence as seen in Marxist regimes and and oppression of Christians.
It is odd how you embrace the fruits of liberalism that promote American republicanism (which is neither Christian nor conservative) yet are against another product of liberalism, that being Marxist totalitarianism. Both are tyrannical, they both do not recognize God as the highest authority and the former promotes tyranny of the majority in rejection of moral absolutist.
Multi cultural societies don't work. History shows that. America worked (past tense?) because the over-riding culture was the American Experiment. Call it the American Soul. Individual agency, self sufficiency and the rewards for merit. When this is valued as supreme by the citizenry, a spectrum of behavior and beliefs can flourish.
The "melting pot" is why American immigration worked in the past. People assimilated to American culture and followed American laws.
The people coming now do not respect us, or country, nor do they respect our laws. Plenty of footage shows them assaulting both citizens and even police officers in NYC only to be released without bail!
One video showed them giving the finger to the cameras as they left the police station. These people don't care about our laws.
I get really tired of people saying these people are asylum seekers. Most of them are men of fighting age.
There are some who say that if Trump loses, Kamala (or whomever the DNC ends up nominating) will grant the full citizenship if they volunteer to join our military… since they clearly want to start WWIII.
The Wall serves the same purpose as Ellis Island. Immigration into this country is carefully controlled, vetted and rejected if it does not meet the express requirements this nation has established by law.
Free-flowing asylum requests requires application in the very first neutral country one enters - not one many, many borders way. Almost no countries on this planet provide automatic "birth right" citizenship, let alone chain migration for all non-citizen relatives once this infant is born on our soils. This archaic policy of birth-right citizenship has not yet been confirmed as a constitutional right.
The 1982 SCOTUS ruling mandating all illegal border crossers have a right to 13 years of free US education acted as a major incentive for more border crossings, as well as a a boon to the numbers of US teacher union memberships.
Good article on the economic costs and impacts to the social order caused by large-scale (coordinated) illegal immigration. It's all part of the Deep State’s larger strategy to break down societies. See “Cloward-Piven Strategy", developed to hasten the fall of capitalistic societies by overloading governments with the flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods, thus pushing societies into crisis and economic collapse. This is happening worldwide. Start wars to create refugees? Push them across borders in order to break down societies, create economic hardship & chaos within stable social orders so that Overlords can ride in to the rescue?
PS…Our Government is in bed with the cartels & in the business of drug smuggling & human trafficking…Evil surrounds US
Trump has already hinted at the military options that can be leveraged against the cartels. I say, bring in the drowns and target the leadership. Clearly, they are terrorist organizations.
Hmmm...they are indeed terrorist (with a Satanic bent). I think we should give Mexico a chance to clean up their own act. Day 1: Reinstate executive orders from first term. Restart & complete the wall (+++) ASAP in order to COMPLETELY seal the border. Cut off all drug routes (land, air, sea) to dry up their market. The government of Mexico has ample forces to take down the cartels. US can assist with intelligence & oversight, with limited air/sea force (as necessary). They need to clean their own house. If that doesn’t accomplish goals, begin with the economic sanctions. Finally, only as last resort, military action.
PS. I detest killing…but they are killing US in the worst way…mass poisonings
I contend you cannot have growing numbers of adults on our own welfare rolls, and have alleged job shortages at the same time that require turning a blind eye to illegal border crossings.
Community colleges must retool their adult education programs to provide job skills training for this untapped and underutilized domestic labor market. Only then can we fulfill the true intentions of ADA legislation passed back when Nixon was president. Work is good for body, mind and soul.
A number of years ago the forum RedState put out the following calculations - it would be good to bring this up to date: California loses $25 billion dollars a year NET due to the demands created by those here illegally.
While they pay approx. $3 billion in taxes (sales taxes, employment taxes when paid) they take out $28 billion in state government services, mainly K-12 education along with a full array social services. This leaves a net loss to the state of California of $25 billion a year due to our open border policies.
You’re spot on. The opposition say its no different than the past. I know, I’ve talked to them. They say check your history and your facts. How do you argue with that boneheaded mindset?
RH: You don't argue with bone-heads. You out vote them, but make sure they are also not in charge of running the elections, counting the votes, and adjudicating the ballots during these increasingly long counts. We are not there yet.
Unfortunately, the elephant in the room that neither side wants to discuss, is the number of failed states in our hemisphere. Clearly, at times Mexico is a failed narco state. Their judiciary and political class are terrified by their narco rulers.
Other countries include, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador just to mention a few. In Venezuela, Maduro is in the process of stealing the election.
Our backyard is as bad, if not worse than Eastern Europe!
Thanks, Tim. My suggestion for fixing the border is to require the White House, Senate and Congress to relocate to a border town - one within walking distance of the border - while they hash out a new immigration plan. No going anywhere else until they agree on a new border plan in all its facets and it's put in place. We'd very quickly have a border that was strictly maintained and patrolled.
The social fabric of communities is being altered ,,,,,, and this is exactly what the opposition wants. They have failed long term so change the rules of the game. Oh and open your check account it is going to be very, very, very expensive. Forget about the cultural costs.
The cost of inflation by the idiots incharge have ruined many families and businesses. It is all related.
Are you still voting for and supporting their failure? Why?
You probably also love the Death Valley (closed State St.) the stupid narrowing of Old Town Goleta Hollister, and the dangerous e-motorcycles on the streets.......
It is time to change. Change is tough when you are part of the power elite of the past 50 years that has failed. Change is tough to do when you use the excuse "It just takes a little bit more of change and it will work." The Communist apologists use that one all the time. (It took the USSR 75 years to finally crumble) They want you to move along and ignore their failures.
Old town Goleta is now a permanent traffic jam. Lots of unused bicycle lane though. Who is the idiot who came up with that plan?
When you walk into city hall look at each city council member including the Mayor. The turn into public works and look over that staff, and tell traffic engineers how they screwed up.
When you are done with that ask why they totally ignored the majority of the businesses and users of Old Town Hollister. Then ask them why they refused to engage Cars Are Basic, when we showed at Council sessions objecting.
You will then have a good idea who came up with this intentional congestion causing plan.
Hello Cars Are Basic, the change has come and it is being done however the
Local-Elite-Power-Brokers of Santa Barbara are not going to tell you or wave
a Red-Flag and say "Hey They Caugth Us Robbing the Piggy Bank" You can
see the signs here >>>>
There is alot more coming.............
Howard Walther, member of a Military Family
Good catch. There is an even larger "Robbing the Piggy Bank," coming. There are numerous issues of FEMA funds being used to house homeless that includes the illegals. FEMA funds are secured for rebuilding NOT housing of homeless. That Price Tag is going to come down on State, County, and City uses that were and are illegal.
The only thing that has stopped it is one party that controls the Senate, had long term control over the House, and the White House. When there is a change in administration and sweeping aside the administrative cover-up there are going to be a whole lot of elected, and administrative staff that are going to have to own up to intentional mis-use of Federal Money. It will be interesting to see how California fares when that hammer comes down.
The cost to the American taxpayer is incalculable. Easily in the hundred of billions, if not trillions. Major cost centers are obviously health, education and criminal justice. With over 10 million
Illegals during the Biden administration, the ongoing cost burden threatens social services, Medicare, housing etc. to the brink of collapse.Harris has already said she supports Medicare for illegals.
Yes, illegals are great for service jobs, cheap labor, which the Chamber of Commerce loves but,the net effect is a massive drain on our essential services.
Time for a change! Close the border, get tough on Mexico and other triangle countries. Massive deportations must be part of the process.
Why do we continue to be such suckers? Other countries certainly do not allow this. Countries such as Hungary realize their national identity is at stake and closed their borders resulting in backlash from other countries who have been overrun like France and Belgium.
When my daughter wanted a student visa in Spain, she had to hire a lawyer, open an account with a Spanish bank and a minimum of $8k balance. Also required health exam and complete criminal background check. When the visa expires, you MUST leave.
The illegals in this country also pose a security risk. Who are these people committing heinous crimes? This is a ticking time bomb and can go off on us at any given moment!
Again, why are we such suckers?
Great points on the border. Love the home analogy.
As to sanctuary cities & states they are aiding & abetting criminals. Which is a criminal offense. As such the government should also be held liable for any crimes committed by the law breakers they harbor, such as theft, rape, murder, or terror attacks.
Tax payer money is being used to harbor fugitives. We taxpayers are helping them break the law. Perhaps we should stop paying taxes as our money is being used for illegal activities.
Laws are what makes a civil society. If people don’t like the law they should lobby to change the laws, not break them.
Otherwise we can all park where want, drive as fast as we want, and not pay taxes. What laws are ok to break & who dictated that? Democrats. Rules for thee but not for me.
Love it. ALL OF IT!! You are spot on! Oh how I wish I could stop paying dreadful taxes without loosing sometime else down the road!
Many people say that Biden has committed treason by opening the border. A secure border is one of the fundamental duties of the American President, head of the Executive Branch of government.
I read this excellent article by Mr. Tremblay titled "The Cost of an Open Border"
and I quote "What in the world is going to happen with the U.S. border? Something that seemed so simple, so necessary has developed into a major conundrum for our country. When you talk about an “existential threat,” the border situation is exactly that. The border and immigration are of the most important concerns during this election period."
The new title should read "The Cost of an Open Border to Santa Barbara and California"
As Mr. Tremblay stated The "Existential Threat" is clear and a Danger to us all. As I have been
very direct to everyone here the So-Called-Santa Barbara Leaders failed to Detect that "Existential
Threat" then they Concealed that "Existential Threat" and I will give you all a hint by ...........>>>>
I would suggest everyone here reads the above link and I quote "In the hearing, members received confirmation of the urgent national security threat posed by the nearly 1.8 million known gotaways and the rising number of individuals on the terrorist watchlist apprehended crossing the Southwest border—especially as America’s enemies, including Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah, have been emboldened to spread their malign influence following the October 7 terrorist attacks on our ally, Israel." Any Concealed Terrorists and additional "Existential Threats" operating here in SB County Folks???? I will pose another question for Mr. Carbajal. Any "Existential Threats" here in Santa Barbara County that were concealed? Anyone here in Santa Barbara that addressed those "Existential Threats"?
Howard Walther, member of a Military Family
I had a physics professor once who had just chalked on the blackboard some equations having to do with quantum electrodynamics. He made the statement "This will be obvious to those to whom it is obvious". I think he might say the same thing about your article, Tim. To me it makes complete sense...but to others it may make no sense at all. That's the conundrum in which we find ourselves in America today. But not for the first there is always hope. For me...much prayer!
Very sensible column. We currently have too many leaders who actively hate and undermine traditional America and traditional Americans. Our country is rapidly turning into nothing more than a Tower of Babel-style open-air market, ruled over by an Ivy-tech-finance oligarchy. I’d be all in favor of a 50 year moratorium on all immigration, but I’ll take anything I can get in the way of improvement. Here’s hoping Trump wins, ends the anchor-baby insanity, starts deportations and seals the border.
What is "traditional America"? America is a secular nation founded on classical liberal beliefs and enlightenment thought. The founding fathers were influenced by freemasonry which has been condemned by the Catholic Church for appealing to relativism and secularism, for implying that their are multiple means of salvation through some unamed God, and for undermine Church authority and Church teaching.
Authentic Christians and Traditionalists opposed the values America was founded upon of relatvism, secularism, and pluralism rooted in indifference.
America was founded on Biblical values. Our values, such as belief that all men are created equal, and have an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are Biblical. Our constitution is Biblical. Innocent until proven guilty, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms... ALL Biblical. The United States was NOT founded on secularism.
Separation of church and state had more to do with the wide variety of different Christian denominations and not wanting to have one specific church denomination become the "State Church" and dominant or alienate the others.
But don't get it twisted, our founders were NOT all secularists. Yes, *some* of them were freemasons, the most well known ones. But most of the people that signed the Declaration of Independence were simple Christian men. Our laws and values are based on Biblical laws and values.
Don't believe me? Watch this:
I respectfully disagree, America while appealingin some superficial aspects to Christianity departs from historical Christian teachings and doctrines. Your point that all people have a right to life liberty and happiness for example is not fully in line with Christian understanding, butbagain reflects the classical liberalismand enlightenment beliefs that influenced the founding fathers.. While all people have a right to life, a Catholic understanding of liberty posits that we are free to do what is RIGHT and promotes a communal and moral good; freedom is a means to an end, that end being to live and die in the friendship and love of Gkd and neighbor. Christian teaching rejects material happiness and posits that Holiness is our primary objective, not merely being happy, true fulfillment is found when living in alignment with God's will.
Freedom of speech is not at a biblical concept, indeed, in scripture and in the writings of Church Fathers we sew the opposite expressed;
James 3:5-6;
“So also the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how much wood is kindled by how small a fire! And the tongue is a fire: the world of iniquity among our members is the tongue, which defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the wheel of nature, and is set on fire by hell”
Ephesians 4-29; Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers
St. Augustin emphasizs that speech must be charitable so as to avoid sins of the tongue in his writing “Confessions”.
The Papal Encylcial Mirari Vos (1832) by Pope Gregory XVI emphasizes thay unlimited freedom is ultimately a moral wrong as it can promote social and moral decay, we see that today with the promotion of sexual deviancy, of drug use, and of vulgar materials and speech.
I will addres more of your points later.
In the 1800’s American colleges started to removed statues and plaques that showed the Christian values they were founded on. And then they began to indoctrinate students with the narrative that the United States was never Christian. Marxists are very good at erasing history.
America has always been a secular nation, it was founded on classical liberalism, republicanism, and enlightenment beliefs, all of which center around the rejection of hierarchical authorities like Christian Monarchs, the Church, an appeal to rationalism and rejection of divine revelation and truths, and the embrace of secular relativism which lacks an objective moral framework and popular will to take precedent over moral truths in the case of republics, or allows for thr horrible acts of violence as seen in Marxist regimes and and oppression of Christians.
It is odd how you embrace the fruits of liberalism that promote American republicanism (which is neither Christian nor conservative) yet are against another product of liberalism, that being Marxist totalitarianism. Both are tyrannical, they both do not recognize God as the highest authority and the former promotes tyranny of the majority in rejection of moral absolutist.
Multi cultural societies don't work. History shows that. America worked (past tense?) because the over-riding culture was the American Experiment. Call it the American Soul. Individual agency, self sufficiency and the rewards for merit. When this is valued as supreme by the citizenry, a spectrum of behavior and beliefs can flourish.
The "melting pot" is why American immigration worked in the past. People assimilated to American culture and followed American laws.
The people coming now do not respect us, or country, nor do they respect our laws. Plenty of footage shows them assaulting both citizens and even police officers in NYC only to be released without bail!
One video showed them giving the finger to the cameras as they left the police station. These people don't care about our laws.
I get really tired of people saying these people are asylum seekers. Most of them are men of fighting age.
There are some who say that if Trump loses, Kamala (or whomever the DNC ends up nominating) will grant the full citizenship if they volunteer to join our military… since they clearly want to start WWIII.
The Wall serves the same purpose as Ellis Island. Immigration into this country is carefully controlled, vetted and rejected if it does not meet the express requirements this nation has established by law.
Free-flowing asylum requests requires application in the very first neutral country one enters - not one many, many borders way. Almost no countries on this planet provide automatic "birth right" citizenship, let alone chain migration for all non-citizen relatives once this infant is born on our soils. This archaic policy of birth-right citizenship has not yet been confirmed as a constitutional right.
The 1982 SCOTUS ruling mandating all illegal border crossers have a right to 13 years of free US education acted as a major incentive for more border crossings, as well as a a boon to the numbers of US teacher union memberships.
Good article on the economic costs and impacts to the social order caused by large-scale (coordinated) illegal immigration. It's all part of the Deep State’s larger strategy to break down societies. See “Cloward-Piven Strategy", developed to hasten the fall of capitalistic societies by overloading governments with the flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods, thus pushing societies into crisis and economic collapse. This is happening worldwide. Start wars to create refugees? Push them across borders in order to break down societies, create economic hardship & chaos within stable social orders so that Overlords can ride in to the rescue?
PS…Our Government is in bed with the cartels & in the business of drug smuggling & human trafficking…Evil surrounds US
Trump has already hinted at the military options that can be leveraged against the cartels. I say, bring in the drowns and target the leadership. Clearly, they are terrorist organizations.
Hmmm...they are indeed terrorist (with a Satanic bent). I think we should give Mexico a chance to clean up their own act. Day 1: Reinstate executive orders from first term. Restart & complete the wall (+++) ASAP in order to COMPLETELY seal the border. Cut off all drug routes (land, air, sea) to dry up their market. The government of Mexico has ample forces to take down the cartels. US can assist with intelligence & oversight, with limited air/sea force (as necessary). They need to clean their own house. If that doesn’t accomplish goals, begin with the economic sanctions. Finally, only as last resort, military action.
PS. I detest killing…but they are killing US in the worst way…mass poisonings
I agree wholeheartedly. Thank you for speaking so clearly. Glad to read the many wise perspectives offered here on The Current.
I contend you cannot have growing numbers of adults on our own welfare rolls, and have alleged job shortages at the same time that require turning a blind eye to illegal border crossings.
Community colleges must retool their adult education programs to provide job skills training for this untapped and underutilized domestic labor market. Only then can we fulfill the true intentions of ADA legislation passed back when Nixon was president. Work is good for body, mind and soul.
Great Article Tim, thanks for the taking the time to write and share.
A number of years ago the forum RedState put out the following calculations - it would be good to bring this up to date: California loses $25 billion dollars a year NET due to the demands created by those here illegally.
While they pay approx. $3 billion in taxes (sales taxes, employment taxes when paid) they take out $28 billion in state government services, mainly K-12 education along with a full array social services. This leaves a net loss to the state of California of $25 billion a year due to our open border policies.
It’s simply unsustainable and is becoming the “Balkanization” of our country.
You’re spot on. The opposition say its no different than the past. I know, I’ve talked to them. They say check your history and your facts. How do you argue with that boneheaded mindset?
RH: You don't argue with bone-heads. You out vote them, but make sure they are also not in charge of running the elections, counting the votes, and adjudicating the ballots during these increasingly long counts. We are not there yet.
Unfortunately, the elephant in the room that neither side wants to discuss, is the number of failed states in our hemisphere. Clearly, at times Mexico is a failed narco state. Their judiciary and political class are terrified by their narco rulers.
Other countries include, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador just to mention a few. In Venezuela, Maduro is in the process of stealing the election.
Our backyard is as bad, if not worse than Eastern Europe!