My office is nearly next door to the Goleta Crushcakes. I’ve been there a few times. Food was ok but the coffee, not so much. When I read their political statement asking people of my persuasion not to eat there, I complied. We need to speak up and not “ hide our lamp under a basket”
Also we need to vote with our dollars. I think the Current could do a service by listing local businesses whose food or services won’t make most of its readers choke.
Regarding TDS, I fear that it is as deeply ingrained as VDS. “Vax Denial Syndrome”. If you were compliant , scared or forced to take spike producing mRNA in your arm, prudence might suggest you think twice about getting a “free booster” at your local pharmacy. I would suggest you take a jaundiced view of the suggestion from your doc who encourages you to accept mRNA anything for the foreseeable future.
Very curious full page ad in the WSJ today touting the award of an innovation prize to an alleged mNRA "vaccine" developer who "saved millions of lives". Plus learning his research was funded by the US Department of Energy. ?????
DOGE needs to investigate- are our tax dollars now being spent on phony awards, false claims, and full page WSJ marketing for the value of disparate government agencies?
As I've stated before, but you have forgotten S. 2, at the time Trump did the best he could with the information he had at hand. Of course, if Trump did nothing, you'd still be complaining. You're a classic "Can't win regardless." converser. To take your phrase, "Your hypocrisy is unbelievable."
What you are talking about is HINDSIGHT. For those of us that have had to make a lot of decisions during our lifetime, it's a term we think off. I prefer to refer to my own after-the-decision observations learned as a hindsight because it sounds better than f**ked-upped expression. You live and learn S. 2. Someday you'll understand the word hindsight when you are given responsibilities which obviously you've had none because of the manner in which you converse. But you'll learn. Hate to tell you, but none of us is perfect. Oh, you think Trump should be perfect? Sorry, not going to happen.
Tune to fund your voice conservatives and call out the hypersensitive, which are not a protected class. They’re just bullies.
As to supporting illegals, well it is illegal.
I ask what other laws do they think should not be enforced since they do not believe in the laws of our country.
If it is illegal, then any support towards the illegal activity is considered aiding and abetting a criminal.
CA uses tax payers public monies to support criminal activity.
Do we have to pay taxes knowing our money is being used towards illegal activities?
By paying taxes are we a knowing accomplish to the illegal activities?
Illegals were sold to people as cheap labor. People who were desperate enough to work for less than others. Slave labor?
They are illegal criminals sequestered to a farm where they live on the farm and supposedly work for less than a legal citizen in fear of kea ing the farm.
But the reality is that less than 2% of illegals actually work on farms. And they want $26 per hour. Isn’t minimum wage around $18? They want almost 30% more than minimum wage? So much for cheap labor.
CA has 8-10,000,000 illegals. That’s about 25% of the population of CA.
Aren’t we 8n a housing crises?
Criminals with no right to be here are taking up homes from Citizens.
How much money does our government provide to illegals in cash, housing, healthcare, education and services?
How many homeless American Citizens do we have? And no citizens in need not receive the same support from our government.
But then again the Democratic Party is the party of slavery that voted against every civil rights bill.
And they hold that to be true today. Democrat voters like the idea of cheap labor, slaves.
Hostile invaders knew the moment they crossed the border they were committing an illegal act against the territorial sanctity of the United State of America. Every last one of them. They are all free to return to their country of citizenship, and make things right with in our current immigration laws.
Polly, you hit all the right targets! It is good to see a fair portion of the former Trump haters get behind the agenda he is proposing. Sadly, there are still the haters out there that will never see the light but they are getting fewer and fewer. Let's hope for a peaceful transition and a rebounding 2025 for us all.
I’m surprised most of the comments don’t reflect your optimism. I was in Austin on the infamous 6th Street last week and a very diverse group of absolutely-not-Republicans were in a great mood. Lots of joking about how horrible Kamala is, how demented Absent Joe has disappeared and how funny Trump is. I go back tonight and expect more of the same.
You know how it is doing comedy, Granny. From Aristophanes to Tony Hinchcliffe the ones you're skewering wouldn't need to be skewered if they had a sense of humor.
Thank you Polly, for reminding us of the truly delusional people living here locally. Yes, they (SB Libs) seem to be hiding under their collective beds over the orange haired boogeyman assuming office. Makes one wonder how they can even leave their home under such duress. Whether it be climate change, transgender rights, abortion rights, or embracing those that have come to our country illegally, they seem to be “triggered” and quite capable of becoming unhinged over just about anything! Don’t believe it? Just read some of the bizzaro comments on Edhat or the Independent. Yes, it often makes me wonder how much “adversity” these folks have ever been faced with? Sure, we live in a little costal bubble, I wonder if they are going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming back into prosperity? Probably not, because if there’s one thing these phony’s revere more than endangered species or freedom fighters in Gaza is, it’s their own personal bank accounts and trust funds!
A junior high school band member and friend went on in the music world and actually taught Rachel Maddow the clarinet. Maybe Maddow remembers how to play and could play on a sidewalk with a coin box somewhere in rural America.
In the obituary of Robert Scott is written: "Bob taught music in the Castro Valley Unified School District from 1975 until his retirement in 2006. During his time there, he had Rachel Maddow of MSNBC as a student when she was around ten. She wrote that "he was a great teacher."
Talk about someone who can legitimately brag about growing up in a middle class neighborhood, that is Castro Valley, that would be Rachal Maddow as she rails against those middle class sensibilities.
Don't ask me how I know? CVHS in the 1950's offered a solid, good education.
Great suggestions. I go to Crushcakes. I bought 10 copies of the recent Time magazine with Trump on the cover. After I finish eating I leave one face up on the table with Trump proudly displayed and walk away. Every. Single. Time. I . Go. They are forced to see it. Tee hee. I know, I am a bad person but I can't help myself.
GR: You are as bad as Sophia Scholl and the White Rose Resistance Movement, anonymously scattering pamphlets against the Third Reich in Munich during WWII. A noble tradition.
Slay hypocrisy! An equal opportunity adventure. Thank you for your practical suggestions, Polly. Good lessons that repair the heavy-handed imbalance many of us have felt. I have an image of a butterfly, sticky and feeble at first, unwrapping new wings after confinement too long in a cramped and restrictive cocoon.
This may describe what many of us also now feel emerging from too many years submerged under The Swamp. Exhilaration first, but also aware of the need to guard against self-destructive excess. And equally important, a need to understand why we lost our voices in the first place.
That sacred inalienable right - our freedom of speech. When did this happen. How did this happen. Will we recognize the signs when it happens again. Meanwhile following your advice, it is time to enjoy this soaring new flight to see where it takes us next. Thanks for sharing your own personal insights. Phew, we are not alone after all.
Agree JL, we do need to guard against jubilation in excess. We do need to figure out how and why conservatives and moderate citizens allowed ourselves to be silenced for the most part since LBJ entitlements and changes in immigration policies. Why did Californians not demand the continued appeal of Prop 187 legal decisions, after voters passed it? Imagine how different the lives of ten million illegals would be, if Prop 187 had been appealed and possibly upheld by SCOTUS. No hotel accommodations, unlimited tax paid schooling, shelter, medical care and social services. Prop 187 has been called both draconian and pragmatic.
M108: Linkages between (1)open borders with 1982 SCOTUS help, (2) LBJ's war on poverty, and the (3) rise of the politically powerful national teachers unions (D) does need exploration.
Not sure what planet the author is inhabiting, but even as the holidays approach, glee is not the dominant mood as we also get closer to Trump 2.0. Perhaps she’s experiencing and hence projecting another deluded enhanced “own the libs” spasm. Gloating is not a good look, though it does adorn many a MAGAT. Please don’t confuse a clumsy end zone “dance” with a genuine desire or ability to improve what ails our country. That’s not what the incoming administration has promised and it’s not what it will try to deliver.
Ira, in your opinion what is it that ails the country? Most Americans believe open borders, inflation, high taxes, men competing in women's sports, sexualization of young children in public schools and crime are among the ills of our country. Most have observed the exacerbation of all these problems under the Biden administration. Trump will fix all of these problems. Apparently you have a different list of America's woes. I encourage you to tell us your version of America's ills and how a Harris administration could make America great again. I further encourage you to submit your thesis to The Current for publication. I am certain it will be accepted if you can put together a respectful well presented viewpoint. Diverse opinions are encouraged as is respectful dialog but what you have written is is like a bad smell and we can't tell where it is coming from.
Let’s start with the fact that a man who incited an insurrection based on lies and fraud, and who himself is a chronic liar and convicted felon, was voted to return to power. Another part of the problem are the misperceptions you recite: in fact, crime is NOT increasing, and immigrants are NOT the source of our problems. Nor is “men competing in women’s sports” of primary concern.
What are important issues? I disagree both with your list, and with your statement that it would be the list of “most Americans.” Here is a sampling:
1. Our deficient health care system, with its extravagant costs and its relatively mediocre outcomes and sporadic coverage, exacerbated by insurance profiteers who make money by denying coverage. Conservatives push back on Medicare for All by saying it would lead to long waits and rationing care, but our current system, somewhat improved by the ACA threatened by Trump without a meaningful alternative, is worse.
2. Income inequality and wage stagnation, middle class destruction, worsened by laws and politicians that incentivize and encourage union-busting. We need labor law reform, meaningful tax burdens on billionaires and corporations, and a leveling of the political playing field that rewards purchasers of politicians.
3. Our public education system is being undermined by book banners and those who prefer happy talk to critical thinking and meaningful history lessons that examine the flaws as well as the exemplary aspects of our national story.
4. Climate change must be addressed.
5. Our binary political system, coupled with the obsolete Electoral College system, is undemocratic and allows and fosters minority rule while denying diversity of view and interest. There is validity in the perception that both parties cater to the elite, but Trump, who is a proficient elite caterer but also a persuasive liar, is not a servant of working people.
6. SCOTUS has withered into a corrupt and politicized institution that is losing its credibility as it has shredded its integrity.
Ridicule is the greatest weapon to use against dedicated activists of the crazy, dangerous, and dictatorial beliefs that have infiltrated all sectors of our national government and the goverment controlled public educational system that reached its zenith with adoptions of Bud Light and Target into its into their clutches.
I have a Commie friend, (he’s not really a Commie, but a Democrat, - same thing), who’s crying the blues and thinks we’re all gonna wind up in hell with Trump leading the parade. I tell him “I just hope Trumpy slashes and burns enough - the Biden / Harris clown show almost sank the ship!”
My office is nearly next door to the Goleta Crushcakes. I’ve been there a few times. Food was ok but the coffee, not so much. When I read their political statement asking people of my persuasion not to eat there, I complied. We need to speak up and not “ hide our lamp under a basket”
Also we need to vote with our dollars. I think the Current could do a service by listing local businesses whose food or services won’t make most of its readers choke.
Regarding TDS, I fear that it is as deeply ingrained as VDS. “Vax Denial Syndrome”. If you were compliant , scared or forced to take spike producing mRNA in your arm, prudence might suggest you think twice about getting a “free booster” at your local pharmacy. I would suggest you take a jaundiced view of the suggestion from your doc who encourages you to accept mRNA anything for the foreseeable future.
Great piece Polly - keep the hits on coming !
Squishcakes. Not healthy for the backbones.
Very curious full page ad in the WSJ today touting the award of an innovation prize to an alleged mNRA "vaccine" developer who "saved millions of lives". Plus learning his research was funded by the US Department of Energy. ?????
DOGE needs to investigate- are our tax dollars now being spent on phony awards, false claims, and full page WSJ marketing for the value of disparate government agencies?
Dude, how can you condone a President that unleashed Operation Warp Speed on the public? Your hypocrisy is unbelievable.
Give that a rest, S.2. No sale.
You give it a rest. His Covid shots are still hurting people where is your heart?
Where is your head, S.2.
I had it with the American people and the constitution and the Republic which we stand. I will not tolerate lies or corruption. Where is your Head?
You know, the planet Uranus.
" . . I had it with the American people and the constitution . ."
The plane for Venezuela leaves at 5:30 pm. Be on it!
Do you pay taxes, S.2.?
As I've stated before, but you have forgotten S. 2, at the time Trump did the best he could with the information he had at hand. Of course, if Trump did nothing, you'd still be complaining. You're a classic "Can't win regardless." converser. To take your phrase, "Your hypocrisy is unbelievable."
I would have preferred if Trump HAD NOT unleashed Operation Warp Speed bro.
What you are talking about is HINDSIGHT. For those of us that have had to make a lot of decisions during our lifetime, it's a term we think off. I prefer to refer to my own after-the-decision observations learned as a hindsight because it sounds better than f**ked-upped expression. You live and learn S. 2. Someday you'll understand the word hindsight when you are given responsibilities which obviously you've had none because of the manner in which you converse. But you'll learn. Hate to tell you, but none of us is perfect. Oh, you think Trump should be perfect? Sorry, not going to happen.
Great idea, Dr. Aijian.
Tune to fund your voice conservatives and call out the hypersensitive, which are not a protected class. They’re just bullies.
As to supporting illegals, well it is illegal.
I ask what other laws do they think should not be enforced since they do not believe in the laws of our country.
If it is illegal, then any support towards the illegal activity is considered aiding and abetting a criminal.
CA uses tax payers public monies to support criminal activity.
Do we have to pay taxes knowing our money is being used towards illegal activities?
By paying taxes are we a knowing accomplish to the illegal activities?
Illegals were sold to people as cheap labor. People who were desperate enough to work for less than others. Slave labor?
They are illegal criminals sequestered to a farm where they live on the farm and supposedly work for less than a legal citizen in fear of kea ing the farm.
But the reality is that less than 2% of illegals actually work on farms. And they want $26 per hour. Isn’t minimum wage around $18? They want almost 30% more than minimum wage? So much for cheap labor.
CA has 8-10,000,000 illegals. That’s about 25% of the population of CA.
Aren’t we 8n a housing crises?
Criminals with no right to be here are taking up homes from Citizens.
How much money does our government provide to illegals in cash, housing, healthcare, education and services?
How many homeless American Citizens do we have? And no citizens in need not receive the same support from our government.
But then again the Democratic Party is the party of slavery that voted against every civil rights bill.
And they hold that to be true today. Democrat voters like the idea of cheap labor, slaves.
Hostile invaders knew the moment they crossed the border they were committing an illegal act against the territorial sanctity of the United State of America. Every last one of them. They are all free to return to their country of citizenship, and make things right with in our current immigration laws.
" . . They are all free to return to their country of citizenship. ."
And if they need a little 'encouragement' I'm sure Tom Homan will be providing it.
Brian, could you please forward your comment to Governor Newsom!
Polly, you hit all the right targets! It is good to see a fair portion of the former Trump haters get behind the agenda he is proposing. Sadly, there are still the haters out there that will never see the light but they are getting fewer and fewer. Let's hope for a peaceful transition and a rebounding 2025 for us all.
I’m surprised most of the comments don’t reflect your optimism. I was in Austin on the infamous 6th Street last week and a very diverse group of absolutely-not-Republicans were in a great mood. Lots of joking about how horrible Kamala is, how demented Absent Joe has disappeared and how funny Trump is. I go back tonight and expect more of the same.
Every comedian I’ve encountered since the election is reveling in the return to comedy being uncensored.
You know how it is doing comedy, Granny. From Aristophanes to Tony Hinchcliffe the ones you're skewering wouldn't need to be skewered if they had a sense of humor.
Thank you Polly, for reminding us of the truly delusional people living here locally. Yes, they (SB Libs) seem to be hiding under their collective beds over the orange haired boogeyman assuming office. Makes one wonder how they can even leave their home under such duress. Whether it be climate change, transgender rights, abortion rights, or embracing those that have come to our country illegally, they seem to be “triggered” and quite capable of becoming unhinged over just about anything! Don’t believe it? Just read some of the bizzaro comments on Edhat or the Independent. Yes, it often makes me wonder how much “adversity” these folks have ever been faced with? Sure, we live in a little costal bubble, I wonder if they are going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming back into prosperity? Probably not, because if there’s one thing these phony’s revere more than endangered species or freedom fighters in Gaza is, it’s their own personal bank accounts and trust funds!
A junior high school band member and friend went on in the music world and actually taught Rachel Maddow the clarinet. Maybe Maddow remembers how to play and could play on a sidewalk with a coin box somewhere in rural America.
In the obituary of Robert Scott is written: "Bob taught music in the Castro Valley Unified School District from 1975 until his retirement in 2006. During his time there, he had Rachel Maddow of MSNBC as a student when she was around ten. She wrote that "he was a great teacher."
Rachael Maddow's Castro Valley High School Valedictorian speech, when she went rogue:
Talk about someone who can legitimately brag about growing up in a middle class neighborhood, that is Castro Valley, that would be Rachal Maddow as she rails against those middle class sensibilities.
Don't ask me how I know? CVHS in the 1950's offered a solid, good education.
Great suggestions. I go to Crushcakes. I bought 10 copies of the recent Time magazine with Trump on the cover. After I finish eating I leave one face up on the table with Trump proudly displayed and walk away. Every. Single. Time. I . Go. They are forced to see it. Tee hee. I know, I am a bad person but I can't help myself.
GR: You are as bad as Sophia Scholl and the White Rose Resistance Movement, anonymously scattering pamphlets against the Third Reich in Munich during WWII. A noble tradition.
Love the idea!
Probably won't change any sour Dem minds, but the more they see what real Americans are all about, the more they might want to get onboard & try it!
Excellent!!! Yes, it’s time we take our country BACK!
Love it!
Love it!
Slay hypocrisy! An equal opportunity adventure. Thank you for your practical suggestions, Polly. Good lessons that repair the heavy-handed imbalance many of us have felt. I have an image of a butterfly, sticky and feeble at first, unwrapping new wings after confinement too long in a cramped and restrictive cocoon.
This may describe what many of us also now feel emerging from too many years submerged under The Swamp. Exhilaration first, but also aware of the need to guard against self-destructive excess. And equally important, a need to understand why we lost our voices in the first place.
That sacred inalienable right - our freedom of speech. When did this happen. How did this happen. Will we recognize the signs when it happens again. Meanwhile following your advice, it is time to enjoy this soaring new flight to see where it takes us next. Thanks for sharing your own personal insights. Phew, we are not alone after all.
Agree JL, we do need to guard against jubilation in excess. We do need to figure out how and why conservatives and moderate citizens allowed ourselves to be silenced for the most part since LBJ entitlements and changes in immigration policies. Why did Californians not demand the continued appeal of Prop 187 legal decisions, after voters passed it? Imagine how different the lives of ten million illegals would be, if Prop 187 had been appealed and possibly upheld by SCOTUS. No hotel accommodations, unlimited tax paid schooling, shelter, medical care and social services. Prop 187 has been called both draconian and pragmatic.
M108: Linkages between (1)open borders with 1982 SCOTUS help, (2) LBJ's war on poverty, and the (3) rise of the politically powerful national teachers unions (D) does need exploration.
Good one, JL.
re: " . . need to understand why we lost our voices in the first place."
I've been thinking about that . . About the only thing I can come up with is the Commie-Dems revelling in their righteousness.
Thank you for the smiles!🌸🎄
Not sure what planet the author is inhabiting, but even as the holidays approach, glee is not the dominant mood as we also get closer to Trump 2.0. Perhaps she’s experiencing and hence projecting another deluded enhanced “own the libs” spasm. Gloating is not a good look, though it does adorn many a MAGAT. Please don’t confuse a clumsy end zone “dance” with a genuine desire or ability to improve what ails our country. That’s not what the incoming administration has promised and it’s not what it will try to deliver.
Oh cry cry and then cry some more
What planet have all the liberal democrats been living on ?
Thank God for change that is coming and if ya’ll don’t like it well 🤷♀️🇺🇸
new normal is sanity … thank you President Trump.!!!! 🇺🇸
Good one Polly ..
Sour grapes huh?
Ira, in your opinion what is it that ails the country? Most Americans believe open borders, inflation, high taxes, men competing in women's sports, sexualization of young children in public schools and crime are among the ills of our country. Most have observed the exacerbation of all these problems under the Biden administration. Trump will fix all of these problems. Apparently you have a different list of America's woes. I encourage you to tell us your version of America's ills and how a Harris administration could make America great again. I further encourage you to submit your thesis to The Current for publication. I am certain it will be accepted if you can put together a respectful well presented viewpoint. Diverse opinions are encouraged as is respectful dialog but what you have written is is like a bad smell and we can't tell where it is coming from.
Let’s start with the fact that a man who incited an insurrection based on lies and fraud, and who himself is a chronic liar and convicted felon, was voted to return to power. Another part of the problem are the misperceptions you recite: in fact, crime is NOT increasing, and immigrants are NOT the source of our problems. Nor is “men competing in women’s sports” of primary concern.
What are important issues? I disagree both with your list, and with your statement that it would be the list of “most Americans.” Here is a sampling:
1. Our deficient health care system, with its extravagant costs and its relatively mediocre outcomes and sporadic coverage, exacerbated by insurance profiteers who make money by denying coverage. Conservatives push back on Medicare for All by saying it would lead to long waits and rationing care, but our current system, somewhat improved by the ACA threatened by Trump without a meaningful alternative, is worse.
2. Income inequality and wage stagnation, middle class destruction, worsened by laws and politicians that incentivize and encourage union-busting. We need labor law reform, meaningful tax burdens on billionaires and corporations, and a leveling of the political playing field that rewards purchasers of politicians.
3. Our public education system is being undermined by book banners and those who prefer happy talk to critical thinking and meaningful history lessons that examine the flaws as well as the exemplary aspects of our national story.
4. Climate change must be addressed.
5. Our binary political system, coupled with the obsolete Electoral College system, is undemocratic and allows and fosters minority rule while denying diversity of view and interest. There is validity in the perception that both parties cater to the elite, but Trump, who is a proficient elite caterer but also a persuasive liar, is not a servant of working people.
6. SCOTUS has withered into a corrupt and politicized institution that is losing its credibility as it has shredded its integrity.
Hey Jess, I’m not ignoring you. You’ve left me a message, but my technology knowledge is not that great.
Take your own advice to heart, Ira. Listen up; don't just knock down.
" . . Gloating is not a good look. .," I only have one thing to say now that it looks like we're getting back to real America . . .
Y I P P P E E E !
Ridicule is the greatest weapon to use against dedicated activists of the crazy, dangerous, and dictatorial beliefs that have infiltrated all sectors of our national government and the goverment controlled public educational system that reached its zenith with adoptions of Bud Light and Target into its into their clutches.
Bravo. Well done Polly
Really nice article Pol! You’re right- everybody’s feeling freer and ‘mo better!
I have a Commie friend, (he’s not really a Commie, but a Democrat, - same thing), who’s crying the blues and thinks we’re all gonna wind up in hell with Trump leading the parade. I tell him “I just hope Trumpy slashes and burns enough - the Biden / Harris clown show almost sank the ship!”
Polly, you are right on!!! Loved this piece! Times are changing for the better for sure!!!